What is the definition of vanity?

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times I was standing in line at CVS the other day and witnessed something interesting. A woman and her pre-teen daughter (probably 12?) were ahead of me to check out. While we waited for the cashier, the young girl picked up a lip-gloss from the aisle display. Her mother’s response? “Put that down! Don’t be so vain. You do not need lip gloss.” Obviously...

Both beautiful and simple

Simple procedures to fix some of our biggest worries: eyelashes and eyebrows By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times I loooove beauty tips that make life easier. The latest trends (popping up all over the internet) have to do with simple procedures that result in semi­permanent solutions to some of our biggest concerns: eyelashes and eyebrows. If you have good ones, thank your lucky stars. Because,...

The sheer joy that is Houppette

Beauty boutique opens in Kennett Square, I’m thrilled By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times The doors opened and angels burst into song! OK, that’s a bit dramatic, but it is how I feel about my favorite beauty boutique, Houppette, opening its second location in Kennett Square. No more excuses for not having the perfect shade of lipgloss or signature scent of perfume that I have been...

Considering our own perception of the image in the mirror

http://youtu.be/XpaOjMXyJGk Dove video demonstrates difference between how we see ourselves and how others do By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times This video stopped me in my tracks. I am ashamed to admit that I am guilty of having a very self-critical attitude about my looks. I would like to blame the society that we live in, but that’s a cop out.  I have no problem teaching my boys to...

Some issues are just skin deep

You may be out of your teens, but your skin doesn’t always notice By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times I think that it is some cruel cosmic joke that I suffer from acne prone skin at age 40.  (So, I’m 41…I like saying that I’m still 40, OK?) Let’s focus on the real problem. I am breaking out like a 14-year-old boy.  How do I know this?  Because I HAVE a 14-year-old boy and...