Op/Ed: Howard asks voters for support

By Roger Howard, Candidate, State Senate, 9th District To the voters of the 9th district: Roger Howard On April 24th the Republican voters of the 9th district have a choice in the Republican Primary for State Senate for the first time in at least a decade.  Are the people satisfied with how Harrisburg works to put special interest and big money donors first, before the taxpayers?  My supporters...

Op-Ed: block grants would allow commissioners to effectively use funds

By Terence Farrell and Ryan Costello, Chester County Commissioners Chester County Commissioners Terence Farrell and Ryan Costello During Governor Tom Corbett’s recent budget address, he suggested a change in the way funds for human services are distributed and allowed to be utilized by county commissioners. As Chester County Commissioners, we endorse this concept and urge the Pennsylvania legislature...

Pileggi plan taken out by a piano teacher

State Senate Majority Leader — and our senator — taken to task for poor lines, poor time management on redistricting By Mike McGann, Editor, KennettTimes.com Pity poor state Sen. Dominic Pileggi. It’s been a tough week for our beloved state senator, who also happens to be Senate Majority Leader. Friday, he essentially got pretty badly slapped around by Pennsylvania Supreme Court Chief Justice...

Column: Coming to terms with groundhogs

Or, how this once groundhog-basher has come to terms with the little weather rodent A groundhog. Typically, they're lousy at predicting the weather and selling lottery tickets. By Mike McGann, Editor, KennettTimes.com People get really touchy when it comes to groundhogs. As you may have read, Puxatawny Phil didn’t see his shadow this morning and we’re looking at six more weeks of winter....

Local disability community calls on Corbett to be fiscally responsible

Guest columnist suggests state not provide services neither wanted nor needed By Susan Rzucidlo, Guest Columnist, KennettTimes.com Susan Rzucidlo The Disability community is asking Gov. Tom Corbett, The Senate and the House to be fiscally responsible and not reopen or expand state run institutions. Currently, in our state there is an Emergency Waiting List of 3,383 people with intellectual or developmental...

New 7th is yet another mockery of democracy

New district lines in Kennett are an embrarassment By Mike McGann, Editor, KennettTimes.com In case you missed it, the final phase of the 2012 Congressional elections are going to be held next week. And the results, it appears, are already in. Turn out, considering it was such a key election in Pennsylvania, was surprisingly light. Less than 300 votes, as it ended up. Okay, I’ll be the first...

Op-Ed: Choices Ideological Not Budgetary

Tom Houghton In The New York Times, Nicholas Kristof writes “the United States supports schools in Afghanistan because we know that education is one of the cheapest and most effective ways to build a country. Alas, we’ve forgotten that lesson at home. All across America, school budgets are being cut, teachers laid off and education programs dismantled”. Kristof refers to education...

Column: the fundamentals of economic failure

Summer of discontent has voters asking ‘what’s going on here?’ By Mike McGann, Editor, UnionvilleTimes.com Welcome to the summer of economic insanity. More than likely, you’ve heard about the madness in D.C. on the debt ceiling and it has more than a few of us scratching our heads, being more about political theater than good governance. But…leave it to Gov. Tom Corbett...

Op-Ed: Addressing region’s transportation needs a necessity

By Ryan Costello, Chester County Commissioner Chester County Commissioner Ryan Costello. Chester County has been nationally recognized as one of the best places to live, work, raise a family and enjoy your golden years. Many factors contribute to the quality of life we all enjoy. These factors include good schools, first rate employers, plenty of high quality jobs, a healthy environment and responsible...