Don’t retire, ReFire: What sets your soul on fire?

By Gail Supplee Tatum, Columnist, The Times This is a question we should all ask ourselves, as soon as we open our eyes to greet the day.  How many of us actually do that?  How many of us know the answer to that burning question? Do we know if the answer is there, deep inside of us, bubbling up, but somehow it’s clouded by our everyday routine and obligations or is this concept, for some, a...

SuperSix: Special Mother’s Day edition

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times I saw this magazine while I was standing in the checkout line at Giant and laughed out loud. Thank you, Oprah, for acknowledging that a Mother’s Day gift should (ideally) be commensurate with the monumental task of motherhood. “She gave you life…are you really giving her a coffee mug?” LOVE THAT. (Oprah doesn’t even have children and still...

On Your Table: Nothing beats Hatch Chiles for Cinco De Mayo

By Cathy Branciaroli, Food Correspondent, The Times The cornerstone to a good enchilada is the sauce. In this dish it’s a Hatch green chile sauce, New Mexico style. In Mexico, Cinco de Mayo marks a historical event but largely isn’t celebrated as a holiday.  In the US on the other hand, it’s become a fiesta of feasting and enjoying Mexican food.  Hardly anyone in this country knows its...

Royal Kate’s post-birth appearance a miracle

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times I realize that many people find the pomp and circumstance of the British Aristocracy silly. I, however, am enamored by it. And, the fact that American commoner Megan Markle can snatch a prince gives us all hope, right? (Sorry, present husband) So, obviously I was excited when the story broke on a Monday morning that Kate had given birth to a baby boy....

April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month

By Dr. Stephanie McGann, DMD FAGD, Columnist, The Times Every month is awareness for so many things now. In Healthcare alone April has 7 major awareness items slated for April.  Not to mention awareness weeks.  Why is it so important to have all of these awareness events?  The answer may be obvious but often ignored. Early detection of something abnormal leads to early diagnosis. The earlier...

On Your Table: Orzo Risotto with Asparagus and Shrimp

By Cathy Branciaroli, Food Correspondent, The Times Asparagus and shrimp risotto made with orzo instead of rice yields a quick main course bursting with spring flavors. Just as the weather is finally warming up, local asparagus is starting to come into farmers markets and supermarket shelves. The sight of their bright green spears makes everyone’s heart sing at the end of a long winter of root...

April Super Six: Spring into new looks

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist The Times As I write this article, I am basking in the glorious sunshine….according to, when you get to read it on Sunday the temperature will have dropped 25 degrees and it will be raining. Aaaaaah, welcome April. The showers are much better than snow, so I’ll keep my complaining to a minimum. After all, May flowers are right around the corner. Thank...

Tasty treats await at West Chester’s Artisan Exchange

By Cathy Branciaroli, Food Correspondent, The Times Delightful made-from-scratch cheesecakes are the specialty of Anastasia & Patricia’s Hand Crafted Cheesecakes. Imagine a throng of food artisans gathered together in one convenient food hall, beckoning you to try out their many tasty creations.  That’s what Saturday mornings are like at West Chester’s Artisans Exchange. The Exchange...

Life and those you love is what matters in the end

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times Last Saturday was my birthday. Normally, I would start this article with some type of self-deprecating remark about being old as dirt, but I’m turning over a new leaf. Over the past few weeks, I’ve witnessed the heartache of several people close to me that made me reevaluate my tendency to joke about life. Not that I don’t think that there is some...

Don’t Retire, ReFire: Embrace the possibilities

By Gail Suplee Tatum, Columnist, The Times Possibility. That’s a great word, isn’t it? You can interpret it however you want.  You can create possibilities. You can invent possibilities.  Possibilities are endless! What does possibility mean for you, in your life? You can look at possibility as a thing that may happen or be the case. It can mean chance or likelihood, probability or hope,...