Too many of us with stories to tell, sadly

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times Oh, Matt Lauer. Honestly, as I watched Savannah Guthrie read the prepared statement from NBC executives, I can’t say that I was really that surprised. There have been rumors about him being unfaithful to his wife for years. So, it wasn’t a huge leap to believe that he could be disrespectful to his female co-workers. To me, what is most upsetting about...

Girls Day Out coming in Kennett this week

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times Happy Thanksgiving! What a spectacular weekend of feasting, family, and fun! After a solid week of eating waaaaay too many calories, I have a plan to burn the bird: Christmas Shopping Cardio. No, it’s not a new class at the Y. Yes, I just made it up…but, I think the concept is sure to go viral. Lucky for us, it’s the ( much anticipated) #GirlsDayOut...

On Your Table: Fall back for a little pasta

By Cathy Branciaroli, Food Correspondent, The Times Green vegetables add brightness to this dish and the meat makes it a substantial dish. No meal is more perfect for the onset of cold weather than a nice hearty plate of pasta.  We all love these  but you don’t need to limit yourself to the classics like spaghetti. In fact, I think greens makes some of the best inspiration for seasonal pasta...

Gifts for the guys, all found locally

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The TImes The countdown to the holiday season is here! Although, if you’ve shopped in any big box retailer, it’s been here for about 6 weeks already. The rush to promote Christmas is one of my biggest pet peeves. Thanksgiving is my absolute favorite and it seems to get more diminished every year. I swear, I saw Christmas ornaments next to the Halloween candy...

The winds of change in dentistry

By Dr. Stephanie McGann, DMD FAGD, Columnist, The Times Each fall dentists from around our nation gather to attend the Annual Meeting of the American Dental Association.  Most years the meeting centers around improving the quality of our care.  Hundreds of continuing education seminars along with tremendous displays of new products, equipment and techniques keep the average dentist busy for...

Don’t Retire, ReFire: Pay inspiration forward

By Gail Supplee Tatum, Columnist, The Times Do you give yourself enough credit?  Most of us don’t.  If we did we would feel so much more fulfilled.  It would give us a purpose.  If you struggle with feeling a sense of purpose, consider inspiring someone else. The saying goes that it’s better to give than to receive.  This certainly is true in my life. No matter what our age, each of us...

SuperSix: The holiday rush is officially ON!

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times Hello November! Once Halloween is over, the insane rush to the holiday season is ON. Since it’s time for my monthly Super Six, I figured we may as well jump on the bandwagon. After all, Walmart has the entire back of the store chock full of faux Christmas trees and inflatable snowmen. No time like the present to focus on some (pretty awesome) presents… Ready? UGG...

Turning to the experts at No. 109 & Houppette

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times Writing this article week after week has truly honed my style skills. Over the past five years, I have researched so much about trends, tubes of mascara, and the art of finding the cutest, most comfortable shoe, I feel like an expert on all things fashion. Alas, I am not. (But, a girl can dream). Thankfully for all of you, I have friends with REAL knowledge....

Battling the 20-minute weekend

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times Why does the weekend go by sooooo quickly? Am I right? (Of course I am) The work week drags on and on and on…but Friday comes and I blink and it’s Sunday night. It feels exceptionally fast once the summer ends and the days are shorter. Daylight Savings Time messes everything up (MAJORLY) and makes those precious 48(ish) hours of downtime feel fleeting. So,...

When too much is, well, too much

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times True confessions: I don’t always practice what I preach. Case in point, how many times have I written about weeding out the clothes/shoes/accessories that are taking up space and collecting dust in your closet? Over the six years “Read My Lipgloss” has been in existence, I would have to guess that it has been my subject approximately eight times. But,...