Runway of Dreams brings fashion to the differently abled

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times Say what you will about the pitfalls of social media and its contribution to the degradation of society, but, sometimes its power for good is magnificent. Case in point, last week I was scrolling through Facebook and stumbled across a video shared by my friend, Cristi. It was a mini documentary highlighting an organization called “Runway of Dreams.”...

A little summer sun can make your teeth healthier

By Dr. Stephanie McGann, DMD FAGD, Columnist, The Times Here comes the sun, or at least we hope so. After days of dreary and unseasonably chilly weather the giant glowing orb of happiness appeared outside my window. This amazing event occurred just as I was reading a dental journal and discovered the results of some new research.

Great gift ideas for Fathers’ Day

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times I’m sorry, fellas. Last week I (selfishly) fixated on bathing suits for the ladies…even though your big day is next Sunday. I’m sure you must have been worried that I had forgotten about you. You probably felt neglected and mistreated. Never fear, I’m here to rectify things. I must confess, I avoided writing about it because I find Father’s...

On Your Table: Summer is a great time for pot luck dinners

And how to get your guests to do most of the work By Cathy Branciaroli, Food Correspondent, The Times For a potluck, individual servings can often do better than large casseroles. There’s no better time of the year to gather small groups of friends or relatives for dinner on warm summer evenings. The best approach is to enlist anyone who can work the grill, and beg everyone to make his or her...

All About Connecting: Just go for it

By Nancy Plummer, Columnist, The Times We’ve all heard from friends, family members, and co-workers, that they are “sort of” dating, but don’t know if it’s going to lead to anything. Many of our clients at All About Connecting say the same thing to us. Then, they wonder why the relationship just peters out. To all of my readers, I promise you will do better to JUST GO FOR IT! As Nick...

Don’t Retire, ReFire: How to get yourself back on track

By Gail Supplee Tatum, Columnist, The Times Did you ever notice that getting off track can be so easy and getting back on track can be challenging? Staying on track and following the path that you’ve chosen is an ongoing, continuous mindset. It doesn’t just happen once and you’re good. That’s not even remotely how it happens. It requires a constant effort of daily, goal-oriented tasks....

Super Six: New fashion looks for swimsuits

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times It’s time for the June Super Six! With the official start of summer a few weeks away (Wednesday, June 21st to be exact), I thought it would be a good time to feature swimsuits. I know. I know. PAINFUL. However, unless you are planning to sit on the beach or by the pool fully dressed in 100 degree temps, we have to find an acceptable solution. Thank goodness...

Kennett truly is a staycation destination

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times Who else is excited that the un-official start of Summer 2017 is HERE?! You can be sure that I have my arm raised. I think we live in the coolest town (EVER)…especially when the weather cooperates and we can spend time outside. There are so many fun things to do in our little slice of Chester County. The Creamery of Kennett Square is a 30,000 square...

On Your Table: Get the most from local farmers’ markets

By Cathy Branciaroli, Food Correspondent, The Times One of the joys of shopping at farmers markets is picking out your own produce. As farmers market season kicks off again I am excited to reconnect with the farmers whose produce graces my summer dinners. A trip to one of these markets can yield nearly all that’s needed to make a spring dinner – fresh vegetables, local meats, tender herbs...

Graduating again stirs many emotions

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times On Friday night I walked in my third (and final) graduation ceremony. As I crossed the stage to accept my diploma, I felt a strange mixture of emotions. I was elated to be finished, but, wistful that it was really over. Going back to school at this stage of my life was no easy feat. It had been almost two decades since I had written a paper or studied...