Just a few (ok, maybe more) thoughts about Rio Olympics

Random comments and the road to ‘meh’ By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times Thanks to the ridiculous back and forth between Trump and Hillary, it’s hard to be proud of being an American. Thankfully, the Olympics have provided a much needed boost to our country’s confidence. But, here’s the part that sounds like me…I’m over it. I start out with boundless enthusiasm;...

On Your Table: Summer produce in its glory

Fresh, local corn, tomatoes, peppers and more are a delight ByCathy Branciaroli, Food Correspondent, The Times It’s all fresh, local and delicious! This is the peak season for locally grown produce. We’ve been enjoying the summer produce season for weeks already, but it’s right now – when July has melted its way into August that the summer harvest is at its peak. Corn is...

Flossing story misses the point

Common sense — and science — still make a case for flossing By Dr. Stephanie McGann, DMD FAGD, Columnist, The Times Recently the Associated Press reported a story that there were no studies available on the efficacy of flossing. Suddenly dentists were asked by patients if this means they really don’t have to floss. I want to take this opportunity to voice my opinion on this latest news...

SuperSix: Great new looks for August

Even with summer dwindling, fun items to perk you up  By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times Hello August! I’m not exactly thrilled to see this month on the calendar. It means summer is dwindling and I’m not ready to let go of the hot, sunny days and sultry nights. I haven’t had nearly enough beach time,which makes me cranky. However, the bright spot to beginning a new month is the Sunday...

Don’t Retire-ReFire: ‘Your Emotions’

Finding emotional happiness is a key By Gail Supplee Tatum, Columnist, The Times No matter what stage in life we are, our emotions direct us and, at times, allow logic to go out the window. In the next few paragraphs, we will shed light on this very loaded subject and the ways we can lasso our emotions to enable a peaceful, happy, fulfilling life. When we’re little, our parents are our guide...

The awful truth: sometimes we’re all ‘Bad Moms’

New comedy film hits way too close to home  By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times I rarely (if ever) go to see a movie in the theater. It isn’t that I don’t enjoy it, I just never seem to make it a priority. Plus, with On Demand and Netflix, I feel like I will get around to watching, eventually. However, I really, really want to make a night of it and see the new movie “Bad Moms”...

On Your Table: Eat a peach

Meet the perfect summer fruit By Cathy Branciaroli, Food Correspondent, The Times Whether artfully arranged in a tart as shown here, made into a crumble or served warm in a pie, baked peaches make for summer delicacies. Photo courtesy of Simona Carini Peaches are summer’s greatest fruit – soft and warm yet almost impossibly sweet in their fuzzy golden glory.  Bite into a perfect peach...

On Your Table: Zucchini is fresh, local and tasty

By Cathy Branciaroli, Food Correspondent, The Times Zucchini come in all shapes and sizes. Try stuffing one of these globe varieties with rice and vegetables for a new take on summer taste. There’s no shortage of locally-grown zucchini this time of year, whether from home gardens or farmers markets, and while zucchini is available at the grocery year-round, it tastes best in season. Guess...

Just call me clueless

In a world of Pokemon Go and fried Twinkies, drunken gummis make sense By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times Because my job requires me to scour the internet for inspiration and ideas, I stumble across the craziest things that usually make me shake my head. Could it be that I am just getting old and crotchety? Probably. But, I mean, COME ON…some of this stuff is cuckoo. Case in point:...

Protecting yourself from online dating scams

Be wary if someone seems to be too good to be true By Nancy Plummer, Columnist, The Times You’ve found the perfect man: he’s sweet, he’s sexy and he has a way with words that makes you swoon. But when you ask to see him does he shy away and reschedule again and again? Does he always ask about you and ignore your questions about him? Does he want to talk about your financials and your personal...