Super Six: New looks, new must have products

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times With the 4th of July weekend already behind us (waaaaah!), I suppose I should hop to it and talk about my summer Super Six picks before fall fashion takes over the internet. (Psssst, it’s already happening…but, I’m ignoring it, for now). That being said, here are my latest obsessions:

Parents’ guide to summer dental health

By Dr. Stephanie McGann, DMD FAGD, Columnist, The Times Summer is here and if your kids are like mine, they would rather sleep, eat, stare at their video screens and repeat.  Without regular prodding things that are more normal in their routine seem to fall by the wayside. Keep oral hygiene a priority; I know as a mom I get a much-needed break from the early AM roller coaster of getting kids out...

Don’t Retire-ReFire: Physical health and wellness

By Gail Supplee Tatum, Columnist, The Times Health and Wellness are two words that are not synonymous. However, they do go hand in hand, when it comes to your ReFirement. Health refers to the physical body and whether or not it is free from disease, while wellness, on the other hand, refers to every facet of our lives. It is the complete balance of our well-being from the physical, the spiritual,...

Fresh flowers are a luxury we all can afford

Blooms are a ‘must-have’ part of my decor By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times I remember, years ago, watching Oprah when she interviewed interior designer, Nate Berkus, and they were yapping on and on about the need for fresh flowers in the house. This memory is particularly salient because, at the time, both of my boys were really little and we lived in a tiny house strewn...

On Your Table: It’s Grilling Season

Summer is here, so is delicious flavor By Cathy Branciaroli, Food Correspondent, The Times Grilled fruits combined with vegetables add smokiness and sweetness to summer salsas. In late June it’s already high summer, so get ready to get cooking with fire – grilling that is. Grilling brings out the best in the usual roster of meats, fish and vegetables. After a stint on the grill they emerge...

Just another ‘People of Kennett Square’

A delightful Q & A and I plan to return the favor By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times I am so honored to be a part of an amazing blog entitled “People of Kennett Square” by the talented photographer, Jie Lan. Her list of featured individuals is impressive and I was humbled to be included alongside those MUCH more talented than I will ever be! It was a beautiful day when Jie came...

Both beautiful and simple

Simple procedures to fix some of our biggest worries: eyelashes and eyebrows By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times I loooove beauty tips that make life easier. The latest trends (popping up all over the internet) have to do with simple procedures that result in semi­permanent solutions to some of our biggest concerns: eyelashes and eyebrows. If you have good ones, thank your lucky stars. Because,...

On Your Table: Enjoy Summer potlucks with no-fuss dishes

A few tips to make your warm-weather event a success By Cathy Branciaroli, Food Correspondent, The Times Layered salads make for spectacular potluck dishes. Potlucks are cropping up everywhere these days in a resurgence of popularity and it’s time to jump on the bandwagon. Who would not enjoy an event where there are so many dishes to choose from? Generally there is something for everyone, from...

Dental tips for a great vacation

A few thoughts to keep you smiling, no matter where you wander this summer By Dr. Stephanie McGann, DMD FAGD, Columnist, The Times Summer is the time most of us plan a get-a-way. Whether your vacation is relaxing, adventurous or anything in-between a little pre-planning can provide peace of mind while traveling. Before you go Be sure your dental care is up-to-date. Nothing can ruin a vacation faster...

A fun summer reading list

A sampling of fun beach reads for you to check out By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times One of the major downsides of being in graduate school is “reading fatigue.” I am forced to absorb so much information into my tiny, little brain that reading for pleasure gets put on the backburner. Therefore, whatever leisure book I do pick up must be great from the get­go. There is nothing better...