The students are ready to be back in school, but we parents…

Confessions of a mom struggling to keep up with a new school year By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times Aaaaaah, another school year has begun!  While I am sad to see summer end, I always appreciate the structure and routine the fall semester brings.  By mid-winter, I’m over it, so, best to embrace these happy feelings now. I feel extremely lucky that our boys receive their education...

On Your Table: Time for Heirloom Tomatoes

Late August is the peak of ripeness for these local wonders By Cathy Branciaroli, Food Correspondent, The Times At the peak of ripeness, a garden tomato is one of the things that make life worthwhile.  Luscious, sweet, tart or even spicy and always juicy, now is the time to catch tomatoes at their best.  Since earlier in August, all kinds of tomatoes are coming into season, ready to fix on salads,...

Jewelry on demand with RocksBox

Try, wear ’em, send ’em back — or buy them — and more show up monthly By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times By now, it is firmly established that I am an accessories hoarder. Everyone has a flaw. This is mine. So, sue me. Imagine my delight when I found RocksBox! Why I did not come up with this concept first is beyond me. It is the answer to my conflicting neurosis of wanting...

On Your Table: Making summer last

Canning is a great way to keep that fresh taste alive for months By Cathy Branciaroli, Food Correspondent, The Times If you are like me, right now you are probably staring at a pile of garden vegetables on the kitchen table imploring  “please do something with me” and wondering how in the world you are going to consume or preserve all that bounty. Earlier in the summer, that produce was seductive. ...

It must be the shoes, man

My sons are addicted to sneakers. Who saw that coming? By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times I’ve created a monster. Two, actually. My sons are addicted to shoes. Sneakers, to be exact. I have no one to blame but myself, says my husband. I hate to agree with him…but, I must. My motto of “when in doubt, buy the shoes” has somehow infiltrated the brains of my children. However (and...

You’re never too old to play

All work doesn’t just make Jack dull, but maybe unhealthy, too By Dr. Matthew Lapp, Columnist, The Times When was the last time you completely lost track of time doing something you love?  You may not have thought of it this way, but it’s very likely that you were engaged in what scientists call “free play.”  If you’re like many people, life may be filled with work demands, family...

Dental Care for Infants. Yes, infants.

Dental experts are rethinking how early dental care should start By Dr. Stephanie McGann, DMD FAGD, Columnist, The Times Recent directives from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry have recommended that children be seen for the first dental visit by age 1. Tooth decay is preventable and educating parents and caregivers on how to care for baby’s first...

California dreamin’: the left coast is awesome

But you need to know a few things before moving there… By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times My family and I just returned from the most amazing vacation to southern California. It was SO good that none of us wanted to come back to Pennsylvania. And, that is saying something when you have two teenagers. What made it so spectacular? The weather. How could you not love low (to no) humidity,...

Super Six: a not ready for the end of summer list

Back to school can wait — time for a bit more fun in the sun By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times I know that I had mentioned doing a “Back To School” version of the Sunday Super 6, but I’m just not psychologically ready for the transition. I’ll get there, eventually… in the meantime, here is what I am obsessed with this month:   1. My new “Terrain”-inspired...

Meet author Kelly Corrigan, my twin. Sorta.

We’d never met, but she was like an old friend By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times On Wednesday night I got the amazing opportunity to meet author, Kelly Corrigan! She is an incredibly smart and REALLY funny woman who writes about her life experiences (the joy and tragedy of it all) in such a way that you feel like you know her. Which, we sorta do because she grew up in Radnor where...