College students: they’re baaaaack

By Dr. Stephanie McGann, DMD FAGD, Columnist, The Times It’s that wonderful time in the spring when the college students soon will be returning home for spring or summer break, looking for jobs, and recharging before the fall term begins. It’s also time as parents to be a bit pro-active about the dental needs of these students. College students have a unique set of dental concerns. Many students...

April Super Six: Decor, fashion and more

From new polish to why it pays to travel to Wayne in this month’s list By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times It’s time for the April edition of the SUNDAY SUPER 6!  (Just a little list of the things I am obsessed with this month) 1. Scotch Naturals nail polish!  These eco-friendly all-natural polishes have beautiful saturation of color and absolutely NO smell!  I am in love with...

Grape to glass: relax, it’s just wine tasting

You don’t have to be an expert to enjoy a wine tasting By Doug Zimmerman, Columnist, The Times Tasting wine has the unfair reputation of being an intimidating, high maintenance endeavor for the inexperienced. Believe me, this does not have to be the case. Wine bars and wineries are growing in popularity, and the culture is becoming more mainstream than in the past. Don’t sweat it. It’s...

A few birthday wishes and a time to take stock

Maybe another year wiser, but no shortage of milestones By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times Tomorrow I will be one year older and wiser.  Well, hopefully. I stumbled across this blog post from “A Pretty Penny” ( about “taking stock” of things.  I thought it was a clever and appropriate way to take a step back and really check in on life.  Remember filling...

Surviving March Madness

You can’t stop basketball at this time of year, you can only hope to contain it By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times March Madness.  It is all consuming over here in the Hockenberry residence.  The testosterone swirling in the air is almost palpable.  How does a girl schooled in fashion (but not so much in the rules of the game) hang in such a situation? I’ll tell you how. 1.)  ...

Forget the snow: Spring is coming

Ignore that forecast, Spring starts this week, shop accordingly By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times I refuse to believe that it may snow.  RE-FUSE.  We are finally seeing grass and my daffodils are poking through the soil!  I could cry. Thankfully, Spring is in the Square whether Mother Nature likes it, or not!  There is nothing better than the transition to bright colors and lighter...

Cavities can be contagious

Bacteria related to tooth decay can be shared with loved ones By Dr. Stephanie McGann, DMD, FAGD, Columnist, The Times I hear it every day, “my mom had bad teeth, I guess I got this from her.” Perhaps that is true, but not in the way we may think.  Researchers have found that dental disease causing bacteria can be transmitted from one person to another. In the case of cavities, the bacteria...

Oscars 2014: a lot of winners, some losers

Ellen was fab, night was too long and who wears shorts to the Oscars? By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times My Oscar 2014 Re-cap: Ellen was HILARIOUS!  I loved the pizza delivery bit and the selfie photo.  She kept things upbeat and moving in an impossibly long schedule of presentations.  WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE FOUR HOURS?  I DO NOT CARE ONE BIT ABOUT EDITING, SHORT FILM, FOREIGN FILM,...

Reminder to advance clocks, replace batteries

State fire commissioner: Working smoke- and carbon-monoxide detectors save lives State Fire Commissioner Ed Mann reminded Pennsylvanians on Friday, March 7, to change the batteries in their smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors when turning their clocks forward one hour at 2 a.m. on Sunday, March 9. Working smoke alarms cut the risk of dying in a home fire in half, a state news release said,...

County offers great exposure to teen shutterbugs

Submissions being accepted for 5th Annual Healthy Photo Contest Chester County is encouraging high-school students to develop a healthy attitude toward capturing a prize-winning photograph. The Chester County Health Department is sponsoring its 5th Annual Healthy Photo Contest to promote National Public Health Week, which is observed during the first week of April. Any high school student in...