Illness shows the difference between the sexes

Women tough it out and get it done, men become attached to the sofa By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times Hi. Being sick sucks.  I hate to be crass, but there is no other way to describe it. I am going on my fifth day of feeling like dog dirt.  FIVE DAYS.  Unacceptable. However, in the lives of my family, nothing much has changed.  (BRACE YOURSELF, male readers) The beds are made.  Dishes...

Show me your love for Valentine’s Day

Chocolate? Flowers? Meh. Tory Burch? Now you have my attention By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times This is the first year that neither of my boys will be handing out Valentine cards at school. The thought of it actually creates a lump in my throat.  I’m going to miss forcing them to sit at the dining room table, NEATLY signing their names (SO AS NOT TO RESEMBLE A SERIAL KILLER) after...

Shop ’til you drop for a cause

Charity shopping event offers great value, great cause By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times ATTENTION FASHIONISTAS! It is no surprise that I loooooove to shop….but, I love shopping for a CAUSE even more! So, imagine how delighted I am to give you the scoop about the upcoming Guilty Girls Warehouse Sale!  This group of savvy women have formulated a plan to turn retail therapy into a charitable...

The best and worst from the Golden Globes

The best and worst looks from the red carpet By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times Golden Globes Post-Game Show: First, let me begin by giving a standing ovation to Tina and Amy.  I thought that they were HILARIOUS! And, extra props to YOU, Ms. Fey, for having some FAB-U-LOUS hair going on! Overall, I thought the dresses were lovely and although the whining about how “freeeeezing” everyone...

Screenings urged during Cervical Cancer Awareness Month

County’s Health Department calls disease ‘highly preventable’ During Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, the Chester County Health Department want to reminds women of the importance of preventative screenings. “Now is an excellent time to talk with a health care provider about cervical cancer screening and prevention,” Margaret Rivello, director of the Chester County Health Department,...

In with the new, out with the old?

What are you thinking about for your 2013 fashion overhaul? By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times SUNDAY SERMON: (a.k.a.  What thoughts are crowding Kelly’s brain?)  I’m trying to embrace the “party” nail because it is EVERYWHERE. But, is there an age limit to this?  Fashion says “not really” but I have to be honest and say that I’m a touch embarrassed by it.  Perhaps it’s...

The ADA Seal of Acceptance – what does it mean?

American Dental Association’s seal means a product has been tested as effective By Dr. Stephanie McGann, DMD, FAGD, Columnist, The Times Every day patients ask me what home care products they should use. While we always make recommendations based on individual needs and concerns, a good place to start is to look for the American Dental Association Seal of Acceptance. Since 1930 The American...

It is good to be green in 2013

It’s not about the environment, but the color: emerald is hot this year By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times ATTENTION: Emerald Green is the official “Color of the Year” according to the experts at Pantone, LLC.  And, apparently, they are the (self-proclaimed) authorities on this issue. Hey, I’m not going to argue.  I happen to agree that it is a pretty fantastic shade that...

Ready for 2013, but without resolutions

Embracing the big picture without getting caught up the details By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times 2013. Lucky 13! Are you feelin’ it? I am.  Wanna know why?  Because THIS time I am NOT going to make any resolutions.  (I’m actually twitching as I type).  But, seriously…EVERY year I make a laundry list of ways to “improve” myself (which, inevitably include a diet and exercise...

T’was the Sunday before Christmas….

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times ‘Twas the Sunday before Christmas and all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse The stockings were hung by the chimney with care And Santa asked Kelly “What should I put in there?” “Well, Santa” said Kelly.  “It’s no problem at all.  Just give me your AMEX and KOP Mall.”