You can take the girl out of the city…

Wyoming offers spectacular views, but it’s hard to say which is scarier: the local fashions or the need to carry bear repellant By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times I am a city slicker (even though I live in rural Chester County). I enjoy being a mere hop, skip and a jump away from great malls, little boutiques and nail salons.  I can appreciate beautiful scenery, certainly.  However,...

The mark of the beastly

Tattoos are forever, so when you ink, so do carefully By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times I have been threatening to write an article about tattoos for months. Truth is, I’m a chicken.  I know that people with “ink” take it VERY seriously…and, let’s face it, most of them could easily kick my butt. HOWEVER, in the true spirit of free speech, I feel that it is my duty as a fashion...

For Father’s Day, a poem

An ode to the men who make a difference in all our lives By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, With baby’s cry a Father is born From darkest sky to early morn He takes his turn to guide, to teach Protecting babe from danger’s reach With strength and wisdom on his side His love is deep, his knowledge wide

Dental implants: a reliable choice to replace missing teeth

By Dr. Stephanie McGann, DMD FAGD, Columnist, The earliest dental implants seemed to have been placed by the early Egyptians when they used seashells implanted in the jaw bones to replace missing teeth. The first modern dental implants were placed in 1952.  Dental implants have come a long way since those early implants. No longer is dental implant treatment considered experimental...

Words of wisdom for new grads

Enjoy yourself, but consider this short list of do’s and don’ts By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, Dear Graduating Class of 2012, I will keep my commencement address short and sweet.  I know that you are anxious to venture out into the world…a world much bigger than our rural little piece of the planet.  But, before you do, remember the following:

Sun is great, sunburn, not so much

Summertime means being smart and taking care of your skin By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, You know what is NOT an attractive look? A sizzling red sunburn. You know how I know this?  Because it has happened to me (GO FIGURE) many, many times. You need proof? Right now, my dermatologist is sitting on the deck of his ocean front beach house toasting my Irish heritage.  I’m sure...

Building the ultimate ‘beach bag’ for summer

Pack light, but pack smart when you head to the shore By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, I looooove to go to the beach!  It is not officially summer (no matter how high the temperature gets) until my feet are in the sand and I can smell that delicious salt air. Not to boast, but I think I may have perfected the ultimate weekend “Beach Bag” by whittling down to these fabulous...

A visitation by the ghost of proms past

Weren’t the late 1980s awesome? No? And what was with those sleeves? By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, KennettTimes Take a good looooooong look. Go ahead. It’s fine to laugh at my expense. However, you know that if you went to high school in the late 80’s you have VERY similar pictures rotting in an album as I type. Last night was Unionville Prom 2012 and I am quite certain that no girl...

Some lasting gifts for Mothers Day

Flowers, breakfast in bed are nice, but fashion is forever By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, Aaaaah, Mother’s Day.  The sun is shining, the birds are chirping.  You are trying to relax. As you read this, do you smell burnt toast wafting from the kitchen?  Can you hear the clanging of 40 (or so) pots and pans being thrown into the sink (heaven forbid loaded into the dishwasher...

Sports drinks hide an acidic secret

Gatorade could be causing tooth damage By Dr. Stephanie McGann, DMD FAGD, Columnist, There has been a lot of research lately into the effects of sports drinks on our teeth. A recent study by the Academy of General Dentistry reported that tooth damage caused by sports drinks is 3-11 times greater than that caused by a carbonated (non-diet) cola beverage.   As I was reading this...