GOP brings out heavy hitters to make argument for governor’s reelection
By Kim Chiomento, Staff Writer, The Times

Gov. Tom Corbett makes his case for reelection Monday at the Helicopter Museum in West Chester. The governor, who faces a tough reelection battle with Democrat Tom Wolf, was supported by a “who’s who” local, regional and statewide elected Republicans.
WEST CHESTER — Republicans brought out a veritable all-star team Monday to boost the hopes of Gov. Tom Corbett — and the hopes of carrying the always crucial Chester County in a race where Corbett is seen by many polls as trailing Democratic challenger Tom Wolf for reelection.
With just a few final hours to go until Election Day, Corbett, Lt. Gov. Jim Cawley, U.S. Rep. Pat Meehan (R-7), and U.S Senator Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) brought the Republican Campaign and message directly to the voters of Chester County.
Several hundred enthusiastic supporters, along with state and elected officials, dignitaries and a large press contingent filled West Chester’s American Helicopter Museum Monday to help the Corbett/Cawley campaign continue to garner support and encourage residents to get out the vote tomorrow.

On hand to support Gov. Tom Corbett and the GOP ticket in Tuesday’s elections, U.S. Rep. Pat Meehan (R-7) Chester County Commissioner Terence Farrell, Chester County Sheriff Carolyn “Bunny” Welsh and Chester County Republican Committee Chair Val DiGiorgio.
The Corbett/Cawley campaign message of lower taxes, smaller government, accountability and fiscal discipline was the pervasive theme of today’s event.
“Gov. Corbett and I have kept our campaign promises,” Cawley said. “We have not raised taxes and we have made more investment in public education than any time in the state’s history. Tomorrow, voters are electing the CEO of the fifth largest state in the Union and the 20th largest economy in the world. Who do we trust in those roles?
“If you are voter who believes in limited government, the power of free enterprise, and strong fiscal discipline than you are on our team,” he added.
Meehan cited 180,000 family-sustaining new jobs created and a state-wide unemployment rate that dropped from 8.2% to 5.7% under Governor Corbett’s leadership. Meehan also noted that Governor Corbett and his team work diligently, sometimes quietly, behind the scenes to lead and help create a positive business climate for Pennsylvania.

Lt. Gov. Jim Cawley argued that he and Gov. Corbett have kept their promises and run a fiscally responsible administration.
“Just one example is the $100 million dredging and deepening of the Port of Philadelphia will help create even more real private sector jobs,” Meehan said. “It is a project that finally got underway with due to the leadership of Governor Corbett, his bipartisan relationships and ability to work as team player to get the job done.”
Meehan and Toomey both took some time to take on Democrats in the U.S. Senate — arguing their refusual to move bills has hurt Pennsylvania’s economy.

Some of the hundreds of attendees listen to the many speeches by Republican officials arguing for continued support of Gov. Tom Corbett.
“Today, 278 Bills sit on Harry Reid’s desk awaiting action, 40 of which relate directly to job creation.” Meehan said, also urging voters to “Push back against ill-conceived policies of the Obama administration.”
Corbett closed the event by asking the crowd how his opponent, Wolf, will fund $6 billion in new spending initiatives, claiming it would only be done by increasing taxes.
“Elections have consequences,” the Governor said. “The consequence of electing my opponent includes higher taxes and even bigger government. ” He also cautioned voters to think closely about consequences of their vote and what they really want. “Pennsylvania is stronger today than when I first took office four years ago. I am asking for your vote and your support to help to keep the path to prosperity going.”