La Comunidad grows 182 lbs of food for Chesco Food Bank

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La Comunidad Hispana in Kennett Square was able to raise some 182 pounds of food for the Chester County Food Bank, thanks to the hard work of volunteers such as Carin Bonifacino and José Lopez Zamudio, among others.

KENNETT SQUARE — Two La Comunidad Hispana Community Garden Beds grew 182 pounds of food in connection with the Chester County Food Bank’s raised garden bed program. LCH operated the garden beds between April 30 and October 30 this year.

“Thanks to our volunteers and support from the Food Bank we grew enough food to feed about 40 people for an entire day,” said Laura Milazzo Mackiewicz, LCH’s Event and Volunteer Coordinator.

The crops included, 51 banana peppers, 155 bell peppers, 4 heads of broccoli, 63 heads of lettuce, 108 radishes. 141 collard greens (about 14 large bunches), 240 tomatoes, basil and cilantro.

LCH”s beds were planted at the end of April outside the organization’s offices at 731 West Cypress Street.

The food bank is fighting hunger in the community with better nutrition from locally grown, fresh food. Volunteers from all over the county have partnered with the cause, constructing and tending to gardens. Their harvest is gathered and distributed to the local food cupboards where, along with non-perishable food items, residents who are hungry can get the food they need.

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