BSA Pack 60 holds annual Pinewood Derby

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Scouting tradition alive & well in KSQ

the cars

Tiger Scouts check out Pack 60’s Pinewood Derby cars to make their selection for ‘Coolest Car.’

From a block of pine, four wheels and four nails as axles, Cub Scouts from Kennett Square’s Pack 60 were asked to design and build a race car for its annual Pinewood Derby.  A staple of the Cub Scout year, the Pinewood Derby is, “a wholesome opportunity to foster a closer relationship (with a parent or guardian), promote craftsmanship and good sportsmanship through competition,” said Don
Murphy of Manhattan Beach, California, when he started the Pinewood Derby program in 1953.  This is still true today.

Cub Scouts designed and built their race car to weigh no more than five ounces – the closer to five ounces, the better. They applied some general physics to the design by putting as much weight at the back of the car as they could, to help gravity pull the car down the track. Then, each Cub Scout got creative and painted and decorated their Pinewood Derby car to give it some extra flash.


Wolf Scouts cheer on cars racing down the track

Race Day was Saturday, February 7. The Cubs Scouts and families arrived at the VFW Post 5467 – Kennett Square, PA, proudly presenting their completed Pinewood Derby car. They cheered their car and their friends’ cars as each car made four runs down the sleek steel, four-lane race track with a laser guided timer measuring the times to 1/1000th of a second.
Each participant received a certificate, participation ribbon, and dog tags for the event. Trophies were awarded for the top three overall racing times.

First place went to Tyler Payne (Webelos 1 Scout, 4th grade); second place to Jack Roche (Webelos 1 Scout, 4th grade);
and third place to Rowen Heagy (Wolf Scout, 2nd grade).

Alex Coan (Webelos 2 Scout, 5th grade) and Lucas Piotrowski (Webelos 1
Scout, 4th grade) tied for the Coolest Car, as voted by the Scouts.

Best Craftsmanship, as voted by the leaders, went to Kerrick Von-
Hoorebeke (Wolf Scout, 2nd grade).

overall winners

Overall winners from Pack 60’s Pinewood Derby were (l to r) Jack Roche (second place), Tyler Payne (first place) and Rowen Heagy (third place).

Special awards were given to Brandon Castano (Webelos 1 Scout, 4th grade) and Daniel Westerfield
(Wolf, Scout 2nd grade) for the most “Fuel Efficient” cars (slowest times).

First, second, and third place ribbons were awarded at each age level: Jonathan Hickman placed first, Steven Leto placed second, and Patrick Kohler placed third for the Tiger Scouts (first grade).

Rowen Heagy placed first, Brandt Corron placed second and, Kerrick
VanHoorebeke placed third for the Wolf Scounts (second grade).

Aidan Gottel placed first, Ben Dietrich placed second, and Jules Leonard placed third for the Bear Scouts (third grade).

Tyler Payne placed first, Jack Roche placed second, and Yony Mata placed
third for the Webelos 1 Scouts (fourth grade).

Julian Ruiz placed first, Alden South placed second, and Jason Berrier placed third for the Webelos 2 Scouts (fifth grade)

To find out about Scouting opportunities in your area visit You may also contact Pack 60 at



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