Are you energy rich or energy poor?

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Keeping your internal battery charged so you can thrive

By Dr. Matthew Lapp, Columnist, The Times

CTColLogoMattLappA friend of mine asks the question, “how bubbly is your inner champagne?”  That is to say, how full of vitality are you?  Have you ever pondered this question for yourself and thought, “there’s got to be more to life than this?”  No one wants to drink flat champagne, but how often do we compromise an energy-rich life for something else?

Especially during the cold, winter months, we may find ourselves dragging through life, waiting for the season to change and the weather to warm.  But, the truth is that we always have a choice as to how we project ourselves in the world and how we respond to the daily events and trials that make up our lives.

I personally believe that we are all meant to live an abundant and fulfilled life and that there are numerous resources available to help us achieve it.  Basically, it comes down to the state of our own internal energy.  At any given time we can be energy poor-dragging, exhausted, and unhappy, energy neutral-our “battery” is charged just enough to allow us to meet the demands we’re placing on it but not enough to really thrive, and finally, energy rich

Energy richness is where the magic happens. Have you ever had one of those breakthrough moments where everything just clicks, your focus is stellar, your purpose is clear, and life is effortless? This is energy in it’s richest form. Often this richness comes along with the transformation that can occur as we emerge through times of adversity. This evolution is necessary; your habits, stories, and physiology need this progression in order to handle a new way of being.

What does it take to experience this type of energy in your life? It takes a willingness to see what is really possible for yourself and a decision that you will settle for nothing less. Making this decision involves knowing that no matter what the circumstances may be, you have a choice as to how you engage in life.  The alternative is sacrificing a joyous life for one that is incongruent with what you truly deserve. This is the epitome of an energy poor state and one that often leads to jealousy, resentment and disappointment.

The truth is that you have a gift and once you tap into it, you are able to fully command what is possible for yourself. One of my business mentors, Marie Forleo, says that “when the depth of the human spirit is unleashed from within, it’s truly unstoppable.”  The moment that you embrace living an energy rich life, each moment becomes an opportunity to identify and explore the core values that are important to you.  This is when life begins to become more effortless and the magic truly unfolds.

You may also realize at this point that excuses, blame and shame have no place in your life.  I remember that there was a point in my own life where I had a breakthrough and I recognized how many excuses I let stop me. Not only was I a spewing fountain of excuses, but they were all lies that I was telling myself. Once I realized this, I was able to start saying ‘no’ more often to the things that no longer served me.  Part of this new way of being includes some really amazing side effects, like love, gratitude, more connection to yourself and others, acceptance, and a greater ease in your overall physiology. Unlike other side effects, I gladly embrace and only hope for more of these.

To create an energy breakthrough for yourself is simple.

1.  Pay attention to what is bringing you joy and happiness and what is dragging you down.

2.  Make a decision to live a life that is congruent with your core beliefs and one that adds happiness to your life.

3. Eliminate all people, responsibilities and circumstances in your life that do not bring you more joy and happiness.

This doesn’t mean that you’ll never again have to do something that you don’t love, but it means that you’ll have a choice in the matter.  When you make the choice to live a more full and energy rich life, you are making the choice to take control and not let someone else dictate your life to you or for you.  In essence, you are taking responsibility for your life and empowering yourself to make it the best life possible.

Drs. Allison and Matthew Lapp are the owners of Salus Chiropractic Studio in Thorndale. For more tips on living a health, happy life, visit them on Facebook at

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