Gwyneth’s Food Bank challenge is telling

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Actress’ choices may show she’s out of touch, but most of us are when it comes to hunger

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times

KellyColumn415RevisedI must be honest; I have a serious love/hate relationship with Gwyneth Paltrow. I think she is a talented actress with amazing hair and flawless skin, who gets to work out regularly IN HER OWN BACKYARD YOGA STUDIO with my other girl crush, trainertothestars, Tracy Anderson.

Not to mention that Gwyneth has designers at her beck & call giving her free couture, just because she is Gwyneth. Super irritating. But, what sticks in my craw the most is when she tries to be “relatable.” In fact, I find it absolutely hysterical that she considers her website GOOP (see it here: (which I read religiously, by the way) to be a “lifestyle” publication.

GwynethUmmm, the last time I was able to leave my kids with my live-in team of servants to jet off to Fashion Week in Paris was like, NEVER. And, I’m pretty sure that my favorite button down white blouse is not $700. But, whateves. No sour grapes here.

Her latest attempt to seem as if she lives an existence the likes of which any of us could ever dream of knowing was accepting celeb chef, Mario Batali’s, #FoodBankNYCChallenge ( see it here: Basically, Gwyneth was alotted $29, the average amount of food stamp monies a welfare receipient receives, to shop for groceries for her family for one week.



Here is what she bought:

GwynethFoodI think this looks like the perfect start to one of her preOscar detox sessions. She lasted four days before running out of money. And, my guess is that she was super hungry at the end of that time period, too.

My favorite tweet in reaction to her selection:

“Don’t worry, poor people: Gwyneth Paltrow is here to show you how to GOOP your food-stamp benefits”

I mean, seven limes? I suppose she will not get scurvy. Kudos. And, don’t forget the flat leaf parsley.

Jaw-dropping, don’t you think?

Now, I know, I know. She IS raising awareness about the issue of poverty in America with her participation in this cause and THAT is worthy of applause. I just find it cringe-worthy how out of touch the wealthy really are in this country. And, guess what…the residents of Chester County are too,
for the most part.

I, for one, have never gone hungry a day in my life. I am confident that if handed $29 to food shop for my family I would struggle (significantly) to make it last for seven days.

The absurdity of Gwyneth’s choices may be fodder for the media….but, it does give us food for thought.

What’s your take?

Happy Weekend.

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