Victoria’s Secret-ish…

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Embracing fabulous YOU


By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times


Did you happen to read about the group of “regular” women who tried on Victoria’s Secret bathing suits and then replicated a photoshoot? If that is not the epitome of bravery, I don’t know what is. The article does contain some profanity and is meant for an older audience. Parents, monitor accordingly. Click here:

I know that I have written tirelessly in the past about the seemingly endless struggle women have with body acceptance. Listen, I do not profess to be the beacon of positivity when it comes to this issue. In fact, I have a few girlfriends (who shall remain nameless) who tirelessly participate in fat shaming with me on an embarrassingly frequent occasion.



In our defense, all of the quips are made in jest and always about ourselves…but, there is a grain of truth in every little joke. The whale, pig snout and cow emoticons are often prominently featured in text messages describing our latest departure from healthy eating. Is this mature? Ummm, no. And really, behavior like this does not move us forward to a kinder, gentler acceptance of our bodies.



I’m choosing to blame it on the heat of the summer. Ninety degrees and 100% humidity does result in the exposure of more skin, which can feel like an unfortunate consequence for some gals. I’m confident that if given the choice between cleaning a bathroom or shopping for bathing suits, 90 percent of women would run for the toilet brush. Walking around in public in a few yards of Spandex can cripple the ego of even the most confident. Now imagine donning a tiny bikini, already exquisitely modeled in a glossy advertisement, and then pose in front of a crowd for a photographer! NO THANK YOU. Just the thought makes me break into a cold sweat. It’s no wonder the women in the article struggled with embracing the way they appeared.enhanced-buzz-wide-16181-1435088344-8



Recently, I have had to digest disheartening health news about several women in my life. While I am sure that they will all battle and end up stronger than ever, it puts things into laser-like focus. Instead of worrying about five pounds, we should concentrate on waking up in the morning feeling healthy.


Prancing around in a bathing suit for a handful of days a year means NOTHING in the long run. So, for the remainder of the summer season, drop the sarong and rock the bikini body you have and be proud! I’ll be trying my darndest to do the same….sans pig snout emoticon. Pinky promise.

Happy Weekend!

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