A clean up with a positive mission

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Reduce clutter and benefit HIS Mission this month

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times

KellyColumn415Newest815-251x300How often do you open a closet or drawer at home and find it overflowing with things you never use? Just the other day, my husband had a (little) meltdown about the number of cups we have in the kitchen cabinet.

Can you picture it?

He attempts to grab a glass for some iced tea and six others come tumbling out onto the floor. After his mini freak out, we recovered and compromised on eliminating several items to avoid a similar occurrence in the future.

I’m sure the same scenario could easily present itself in regard to my linen closet. There are four members in my family and enough towels to dry a small army.

I have written many times in the past about the importance of weeding out your closet with the change in season. However, purging excess household items feels just as liberating. Not only will you be more organized and streamlined, BUT, if you choose to do it this week, you have an amazing opportunity to help a local charity.

HIS Mission, located in Kennett Square, is a nonprofit homeless shelter in need of household goods. They are hosting a yard sale next Saturday, August 15th from 8:30a.m. to 2:00p.m. with all proceeds directly benefiting the Mission.

Here are a few tips to help give you the motivation to get started:

● Pick one (or two) rooms to focus on (ie: kitchen and bathroom)

● Set aside one hour to declutter. Use an alarm to help keep you on task.

● If you have trouble getting rid of things, ask a friend or family member with a ruthless and unrelenting determination to work with you.

● Be prepared to sort into three piles: Keep, Trash, and Donate

Please drop off your items by Friday, August 14th to 342 Birch Street in time for the volunteers

to collect and label prior to the sale. Of course, cash donations are always welcome and


Would you like to help? Call #6102682694 for more information.

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