Letter: Medical payments to supervisors were illegal

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To The Editor:      

The Kennett Township Supervisors chaired by Allan Falcoff have illegally enriched themselves with $10,000 a year of the taxpayers’ money since 2007.

They simply made a motion and seconded it with no public present, then started taking cash payments for their personal and spouses Medicare/Healthcare premiums.  This is in direct violation of Article VI of the PA Township Code.

When a former Supervisor asked about this practice in a Public Meeting, he was promptly ushered out by the new Police Chief.

A Citizens watchdog group confronted the Supervisors about this illegal practice earlier this year and they claimed they would quit taking the money.

The taxpayers want our $40,000 returned.

If you are fed up with fraud, corruption, greed and deceit come out on Tuesday Nov. 8 to vote for Scudder Stevens for Supervisor.

Restore Honesty and Ethics to Kennett Township.  Visit www.scudder4supervisor.org.


Joe Duffy         

Kennett Township,

Scudder4Supervisor Campaign

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  1. Chester County Republican says:

    I think this entire website was put in place to support Kennett Area Democrats! It seems so anyway with the folks who are posting here!

    And Scudder Stevens refers everyone to the Kennett Times online in this weeks mailing, as well as the Chester County Press, where one in five of Scudders supporters has a letter to the editor just in time for the election!

    Mr Stevens has to keep telling everyone how HONEST he is….why is that? My experience has been that honest men do not need to say that about themselves!

    • republican for Scudder says:

      I am a Republican for Scudder, so once again, you have the facts wrong. Democrats and Republicans support Scudder. Scudder Stevens says he’s honest because he has nothing to hide. You say “your experience has been honest men do not need to say that about themselves”…..what is your experience?? Instead of writing uniformed replies, why don’t you spend your time getting the facts. Think for yourself instead of being another one of the Supervisor’s pawns.

    • Mike McGann says:

      The Kennett Times is the second community news site of 12 being launched in Chester County over the next couple of years. The first one is in Unionville, the third is in Coatesville. We’ll be here long after the election.

      Compared to other media outlets (except the Kennett Paper, which appears to be covering the 1987 elections), our coverage has been careful, moderate and slow to jump to conclusions. But we have offered a full and open forum for supporters of both candidates. Every letter submitted from both sides has been published here — so any imbalance comes from the lack of supporting letters for one side versus the other.

      And in terms of the Press — which has been operated by a former Republican County Committee member for four decades — are you really going down the liberal bias route with that? I know those guys personally and they make Goldwater look liberal.

  2. Mike McGann says:

    Well, as most of the media is owned by conservative corporations, if there is a bias, it tends to be to the right. 28 years — including a number working for some of the largest publishing companies on Earth — in the business probably makes me a pretty fair judge.

    I can’t really evaluate your experience — as an anonymous poster, it’s entirely possible that your entire understanding of the media came from watching Sean Hannity.

    As or the Cain issue — c’mon, really? It was pretty clearly leaked by the Perry campaign and to be honest, it looks like not only a legitimate concern over morals, but maybe just as importantly, Cain’s ability to see and anticipate issues and plan an appropriate response. Kind of important when President, right?

    Trust me in this were there a liberal media conspiracy, it would be PRAYING for Herman Cain to be the GOP nominee — not because of ideology, but his tactical weakness.

    Having run for office and managed numerous races, the first thing you do figure out is your own weaknesses and how your opponents will exploit them. A failure to anticipate that and fail to cope — ie, John Kerry, Michael Dukakis — means you probably aren’t suited to being president in the first place.

  3. Chester County Republican says:

    You must understand that political speech is protected by law and as such, you can make almost any accusation…look at what is happening to Herman Cain right now…ALLEGATIONS with nobody coming forward….but the attempt is to destroy a candidate!

    Allan Falcoff is running for his second term. Many of the accusations being hurled about Kennett Township are perversions of the truth. The attempt is to confuse and upset the voter. What is the truth?

    I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said ” The truth will set you free, but first it will tick you off” .

    I hope the residents of Kennett Township will consider who might be fast and loose with the truth and who is telling it like it is before casting their vote for someone they know very little about like Scudder Stevens!

    • Mike McGann says:

      If this series of events is accurate — that the Board of Supervisors voted in 2007 to approve payments for health benefits, it would in fact appear to constitute additional compensation as defined by Section 606(a) of the Township Code.
      The state Constitution prohibits any increase of compensation of elected officials during their term in office. This information comes from the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors.
      As there has been no denial that this occurred, to the best of my knowledge, it hardly seems to be an unreasonable question.
      As for Herman Cain, as it appears — much as it did with Bill Clinton in 1998 — the truth may be even more involved and worse than the initial allegations (not to mention, apparently put out by GOP rivals — not the result of the alleged (and laughable) media bias) — so that might not be your best example of unfounded allegations.

      • Chester County Republican says:

        Well Mike, You would know about news media. Are you still in the business? You laugh away media bias! I wonder why that is?

        There have been many instances where newpapers have put out infomation that wins elections, only to have us (the public) find out later that the media did not do their job…id not properly look into any sources. It is so convenient to have anonymous sources.

        I think the the Democrats and/or the news media put out the information about Herman Cain and they are now blaming the other Republican primary candidates.

    • Chester County Republican says:

      Scudder has gone through thousands of documents in his right to know requests and when he couldn’t find anything, he decided to manipulate the facts of the situation.

      The laws regarding supervisors in PA allow the Supervisors to receive health benefits through the Township plan. In order for this to take place, the Supervisors have to vote it into law, but the law also prevents those who vote it into law from benefitting from it during their current term. Allan Falcoff voted this into law about 5 years ago, along with the other supervisors. Allan doesn’t get any of his health benefits from Kennett Township. The status of the other two Supervisors, who have since been reelected, is covered by the Federal Health Insurance Portability Act which makes an individual’s insurance status privileged information.

      • Mike McGann says:

        And as there are absolutely legal methods for the supervisors to do this, we haven’t really reported on it, although I suggested here it is a legitimate line of inquiry.

        In addition to its legality, I think people in the township have the right to ask about its appropriateness — are neighboring townships offering similar benefits to their supervisors? It is reasonable and customary?

        These are fair questions to ask.

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