Letter: Kennett needs a qualified leader

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To The Editor:

This Election, I’m going to vote for a Qualified Leader!

A good leader knows how and when to listen.

A good leader knows he can never be right all of the time.

A good leader can admit he was wrong, and willingly correct his action.

A good leader can admit when he does not know, but promises he will find out.

A good leader has the courage to change course in midstream.

A good leader seeks truth from the source, and backs all assertions with facts

A good leader can work with diverse groups with varied interests.

A good leader realizes communication is a constant process.

A good leader is willing to work on building relationships.

A good leader follows the code of the law.

A good leader is not afraid to be different.

A good leader can inspire by example.

A good leader is willing to accept difficult challenges, because he knows it’s the right thing to do.

New leadership in Kennett Township is the right thing to do.

Scudder Stevens has already been a good leader in Kennett Township.  This year he has exposed the numerous improper and fraudulent activities of the Falcoff administration and its cronies and he is willing to continue in his pursuit of the truth as a Voice for residents of Kennett Township.  This is why I’m voting for Scudder Stevens on November 8th for Kennett Township Supervisor.


Margot Taylor

Kennett Township

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  1. Kennett Republican says:

    Actually this race is has nothing to do with Democrats or Republicans. I am and always have been a republican in the bigger picture. I did NOT vote for Obama. Smaller government is better in most cases…..The fact that you try to diminish the issues to Democrat and Republican shows how ignorant and closed minded you are about the real issues …..

    This race is about Honesty and Transparency. Scudder wants to inform Kennett residents and help them understand how their money flows thru the system. There will be no more secret deals. If this is what you expect from your elected officials you must vote for Scudder. Stevens


    • Chester County Republican says:

      From the beginning of Scudder Steven’s campaign he has not been honest. He makes up numbers to try to say that Kennett Township has the highest taxes! Maybe he should be running for school board instead.

      And I just found the financial information for 2010 right on the Kennett Township Website:


      • Kennett Republican says:

        Not sure I can believe ANYTHING published by the town manager or supervisors when they make up audits and auditors.

    • Chester County Republican says:

      If smaller government is better, then why would you support Scudder Stevens who is for adding 2 more Supervisors? Ask those in New Garden how inexpensive it is to have 5 supervisors!

      Adding Supevisors expands government and costs everyone more money…I know those in favor of 5 supervisors argue that it is not much since a supervisor gets very little in the way of salary, but you know that each supervisor will have his agenda to put forward.

      There are pleny of Democrats with Falcoff signs on their yards in case you haven’t noticed.

      • Kennett Republican says:

        You must have missed the key word” In MOST cases a smaller government is better” As I stated any true republican votes on the best option.

        Sorry I have not seen any Falcroff signs on Democratic lawns and sure have not heard of any supporting Falcroff in public…..Better get back on the phone to the supervisors to get your next response….or maybe cut your losses

  2. Chester County Republican says:

    That may be the opinion of a few friends of Scudder Stevens (that he is a good leader), but I would not be so certain that I know who this man is….remember how many voted for OBAMA thinking he was something that he is not?


    I hope you will not fall for the Democrat scare tactics!

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