Thanksgiving food drive kicks off a season long effort supporting area food pantries
By Kim Chiomento, News Editor, The Times
AVONDALE – Troopers from the Pennsylvania State Police (PASP) – Avondale Barracks recently held a Thanksgiving food drive to help the Chester County Food Bank replenish its supplies. State-wide, the PASP will be assisting more than 60 meal sites and 40 food cupboards all season long.
Avondale Barracks Community Service Officer, Tpr. Samantha Minnucci explains “The goal is to raise public awareness of the reality that despite Chester County being ranked as the wealthiest county in Pennsylvania; estimates reveal that nearly 50,000 of its residents go hungry every day. This is the first food drive of what we want to be a long term effort to help make Chester County better for all.”
Troopers personally donated nearly 400 lbs. of nonperishable Thanksgiving inspired food this week, and now are seeking the community’s support in keeping its food drive going. PASP’s Avondale Barracks’ lobby is a collection site for community food donations and another delivery to the Food Bank is scheduled in time for Christmas.
Holiday Items – Stuffing mix (boxed), instant potatoes, gravy packets or cans (please, no glass), canned fruit & applesauce, canned peas, and carrots.
Other Needed Items – Pasta rice / rice blends, peanut butter & jelly, canned fish & chicken (packed in water), canned vegetables, tomatoes, tomato sauce, beans (canned or dried), canned fruit (in juice), whole grain cereals, canned soups, stews, and pasta.
For the safety of those served, PASP is UNABLE to accept: • Open packages • Homemade food items • Items with “expired” dates• Items in glass jars.
Please consider supporting the PASP’s efforts by donating food today and throughout the season. Any questions can be referred to Tpr. Samantha Minnucci, 610-268-2102, sm*******