What kind of tree are you?

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What your Christmas tree says about you

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times

KellyColumn415Newest815If your choice of fashion reveals to the world a bit about who you are…can the same be said for the type of Christmas tree you display at the holidays? Think about it. Do you prefer real or artificial? Colored lights or white lights? Tinsel or popcorn? Star or angel? I might be onto something here. If I didn’t have a pile of Christmas cards to address or a mile­long list of presents to buy, I would devise some type of formal assessment. However, in the interest of time (and because I am terrible at statistics), I will abandon the psychometrics and cut right to the chase:

If your answer is a real tree with white lights, popcorn, and a star, you are a traditionalist. You prefer classics like those sung by Bing Crosby and Nat King Cole. You do not throw presents in gift bags (they are for the weak), but, rather, adorn each box with a shiny, gold bow. You put your tree up on Black Friday and do not take it down until the Epiphany. You dress the family in coordinated patterns of plaids and solids and take pictures in front of a roaring fire. Some may call you neurotic around the holidays, but, you prefer the term “spirited”.

What-Kind-of-Tree-are-You--If you chose an artificial tree with colored lights, tinsel, and an angel, you probably have at least two, young children. Your tree has fallen over a half­dozen times since you put it up. The ornaments are comprised mostly of plastic, that flour and water paste type stuff (that your kids have tried to eat at least once), or footprint Rudolph’s made at school. Tinsel is strewn from one side of the living room to the other and will get stuck in your vacuum until June. The gifts are wrapped in the Sunday comics and held together with duct tape (because they will be ripped to shreds in 30 seconds anyway). The stupid Elf on the Shelf mocks you every night. You are forced to listen to Alvin and the Chipmunks on repeat.

However, no matter which scenario you find yourself in, the expression of love is apparent. Although the harried, mad rush has us all pulling our hair out, it’s important to take a step back and reflect. What a wonderful time of year to connect with family and friends and celebrate the many blessings in our lives. Because, at the end of it all, when the last decoration is packed away for yet another 364 days, the memories we make will last a lifetime.

Happy Weekend

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