A great chance to express your love

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Valentine’s Day isn’t about gifts, but letting those you love know

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times

KellyColumn415Newest815I was reading an article this weekend about the commercialization of love and how Valentine’s Day is just another “Hallmark” holiday. But, I disagree! I think that February 14th is the perfect opportunity to express your love for all of the special people in your life, not just romantic relationships.

In fact, (sit down because I am going to say something SHOCKING) I believe that Valentine’s Day should not be about expensive gifts. It is the thoughtful, little gestures that mean the most, like: making pancakes in the morning for the family, grabbing a quick cup of coffee with your BFF, or enjoying a glass of wine after dinner with your sweetheart.

How often do we mindlessly race through our daily chores, only to look up and realize that a week has flown by? I love that Valentine’s day forces us to slow down and acknowledge our feelings. Lucky for us, it falls on a Sunday this year and, as an extra bonus, the kids have off on Monday. Many of my friends seized the opportunity to go away for the long weekend and celebrate with a change in scenery!

I miss the days of helping my boys fill out their cards to take to school and doing crafts with construction paper and crayons. I must confess, I still like to buy them a chocolate heart and a few, small presents for a special treat. As for my husband, we try to get out for a date night to spend time together and escape the chaos of our crazy schedules.

I certainly am an advocate for telling people that you love them (or, better yet, showing them) on a regular basis…not just once a year because of a holiday. But, my love for February 14th is not diminished because companies have capitalized on the opportunity to make money. At the end of the day, it’s a special time to celebrate all things L­O­V­E.

Happy Valentine’s Day! xoxo

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