Don’t retire, Refire: Implement a plan

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Retirement doesn’t mean the end of schedules, just new priorities

By Gail Supplee Tatum, Columnist, The Times

TatumSo…we’ve all realized that rather than letting our days of retirement fall away unfulfilled, we wish to have our days of ReFirement ignited.  How do we make this happen?

As Stephen Covey once said, “The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.”  That makes sense, doesn’t it? 

Strangely enough, we often times DON’T do that!  We, often times, go through our day reacting to, instead of responding to, issues that cross our path.  It goes without saying that we all have had days that didn’t go “our way”.  One issue on top of another got in the way, forcing us, at least that’s how we saw it, to react to those issues. By the end of the day we were exhausted, unfulfilled, and unaccomplished because we reacted to the issues of others, instead of scheduling and maintaining our priorities.  When we get in the rhythm of scheduling our priorities, we become responsive to issues, never putting aside what is most important to us to give us a greater sense of well-being.  Scheduling priorities in order to ignite each day will become second nature.  So, how do we reinvent our schedules and implement it?  Here are three easy tips to get started.

1. Write down all of your necessary daily, weekly and monthly tasks.  Remember to include when to wake up, when to eat your three meals and at least one snack, when to take your vitamins, when to exercise, and when to retire to bed each day.  Then, schedule in time to do your weekly tasks, such as laundry, grocery store and doctor visits.  Next, write down any monthly tasks you may have.  Some people actually believe that retirement would allow them to wake up whenever they feel like it, eat breakfast, watch TV, eat lunch, watch TV, eat dinner, watch TV and go to bed whenever.  That is a recipe for bad health and a foggy brain.

Your only stimulation cannot be TV.  Schedule in a social life.  Don’t leave it to chance. It must be a social avenue that enhances your whole self, such as visiting your grandchildren, taking a college course, or going to a yoga class.  Too often times, we say, “Let’s get together,” but we don’t schedule it in and thus it rarely happens. It is critical to our well-being to make a point to get out and be with others, every day, even if it’s just a walk around your neighborhood or a quick run to the store.  The benefits of being around others is a layered conversation; however, suffice it to say, it is essential for ReFiring your life.

2.  Keep it simple.   Don’t think too hard on your schedule.  Break it down into two categories.  First, list what you HAVE to do.  Second, list what you WANT to do. Think of at least one thing, that if you accomplished it, would give you a greater sense of purpose and peace, as you lay your head down to rest at day’s end. I assure you, the energy it will give you is beyond compare.  Be decisive and specific with your “have to” list.  For example, write down the time you rise in the morning, the time you go to bed at night, and when you eat your meals.  It has been proven that if you eat at the same time each day, you won’t eat as much and you will regulate your weight.

The thought of creating a schedule scares so many.  It is difficult to make this adjustment all at once.  For the best success, begin by making small changes and build on them, one small change at a time.  Once you’re in a rhythm, you will look back and see that the culmination of all those “to do’s” became one big accomplishment after another.

Your “want to” list should have no boundaries.  “The Sky is the Limit!”  Let your mind run free!  View it as your “wish list”, or your “dream list”.  Don’t deny yourself one little bit.

You will begin to reclaim your purpose in this world.  We all have one and it doesn’t end when we retire.  Purpose makes you feel worthwhile.  Each one of us has a voice in this world.  Don’t rob yourself of being heard.

You’ll find that your new rhythm will invigorate you and give you a skip in your step that you may not have felt for a long time.   Reclaim the passions of your life. Your ReFirement continues.

3.  Start today!

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