Letter: Politics column is nothing more than wishful thinking

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To The Editor,

Letters1I recently read Mike McGann’s column regarding the 2016 election. Let me say first that I have generally been impressed with your political analysis, which (while having a Democrat tilt) was generally unbiased and on the mark. Any pretense of that type of balanced analysis, however, seems to have been lost in the divisiveness of this year’s election.

Case in point is your recent column which, while masquerading as insightful political analysis, is nothing more than wishful Democrat party thinking. As Chairman of the Chester County GOP, I have been privy to a number of polls in recent weeks, and I’d like to set the record straight on a few of your incorrect observations.

After reading the results of Susan Rzucidlo’s internal polling, you believe the results suggest that this is a winnable race for this three-time failed candidate in the 158th State House District. However, your column in this regard is more political spin than true analysis. Our polling has consistently shown that Eric Roe is leading significantly, both on the generic ballot of Republican vs. Democrat and on the informed ballot.

Post primary season, Eric has continued to knock thousands of doors, as well as host three well-attended fundraisers this summer, not to mention more to come throughout the fall. It is short-sighted to be so dismissive about Eric’s campaign and fundraising, especially in a district where polling and election results consistently demonstrate that voters value Republican ideals, such as smaller government, lower taxes and pension reform.  Eric also has the full backing of the Chester County GOP, with a strong compliment of over 400 committeepeople and, I assure you, an ample war chest of funds.

While you deride Eric’s youth, you also fail to mention his intelligence, qualifications, and civic engagement.  Indeed, Susan may be older, but she lacks sophistication, foresight, and the ability to govern across party lines, as evidenced by her recent immature commentaries on our Chester County GOP Facebook page.

We have seen similar polling results for other candidates, like Lloyd Smucker – who will replace Congressman Pitts.  Like voters in Eric Roe’s district, voters in Lloyd Smucker’s congressional district value the highly qualified and thoughtful candidates the GOP supports – as opposed to the ideologues whom the Democrats (generally speaking) offer us each election cycle.

Due to the reasoned, thoughtful and professional GOP leadership, Chester County is one of America’s greatest counties by every measure.  With candidates like Eric Roe, Lloyd Smucker, Congressmen Pat Meehan and Ryan Costello, we will keep it that way.

I hope that after Labor Day, readers of this news outlet will be provided with the facts.

Val DiGiorgio

Chairman, Chester County GOP

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