County given sustainability award

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(From left to right) Chester County Commissioners’ Chair Terence Farrell; Planning Commission Assistant Director David Ward; Commissioner Michelle Kichline; Brian Styche, Planning Commission Transportation Planner; Brian O’Leary, Director, Chester County Planning Commission; and Commissioner Kathi Cozzone.

(From left to right) Chester County Commissioners’ Chair Terence Farrell; Planning Commission Assistant Director David Ward; Commissioner Michelle Kichline; Brian Styche, Planning Commission Transportation Planner; Brian O’Leary, Director, Chester County Planning Commission; and Commissioner Kathi Cozzone.

Chester County was recognized last week by the Greater Valley Forge Transportation Management Association (GVFTMA) as deserving of its Diamond Level award, the highest given for sustainability.

The combination of many initiatives developed by the Chester County Planning Commission were noted by the GVFTMA as deserving of the sustainability accolade. These initiatives include the publication of the Ride Guide, which provides transit information to employees and citizens of Chester County in two languages; the installation of bicycle racks at County facilities; the promotion of the National Bike Challenge; the adoption of the Public Transportation Plan as an element of Landscapes2; completion of the Baltimore Pike Complete Streets Plan which identifies where improvements can be made for walking, biking and transit; and the expansion of the Chester Valley Trail

“Chester County’s Comprehensive Plan, Landscapes2, guides us in growth management and preservation strategies, and the issue of transportation is a key focus of the Plan,” said Brian O’Leary, executive director of the Chester County Planning Commission. “Landscapes2 has helped to guide the Planning Commission in creating projects, programs and services that highlight and expand public transportation alternatives and that facilitate cycling – and even walking – as methods of transportation and commuting.”

As the region’s leading advocate for sustainable transportation, GVFTMA featured Chester County among a number of public and private sector organizations at its annual sustainability breakfast

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