Howard gets on ballot to challenge Pileggi

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Unionville man doubles number of signatures needed to force GOP state Senate primary

Roger Howard

EAST MARLBOROUGH — Roger Howard, State Senate Candidate in the 9th District, submitted twice the required signatures on nominating petitions to run for the office.

This week, Howard submitted more than twice the required number of signed petitions of support for his candidacy.  Despite confusion as to the real outlines of the 9th District, due to redistricting challenges, Howard was able to secure a surplus of signatures.

“I am proud of our volunteers,” Howard said, “who went door to door to make the case for changing business as usual in Harrisburg.”  Howard’s campaign is supported by a diverse group of volunteers from all over the 9th District.  Campaign volunteers include stay at home Moms, military veterans and professionals who are bringing their time and talents to support this candidate.

“I look forward to bringing my ideas to the people.  This is just the beginning of challenging the status quo and energizing people to become informed and involved,”  Howard said.

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  1. Rich Davis says:

    Howard, thank you for stepping into the arena. I look forward to supporting your campaign and hope you defeat Pileggi.

  2. Bill says:

    Didn’t Senator Pileggi vote for the 2005 pay increase. Also didn’t he vote for Rendell’s budgets. He is involved in the redistricting mess and even wasted time trying to change the electoral college. That is not a record to run on, it is a record of weak leadership. I will vote for Roger Howard

  3. Ray Farrell says:

    I laugh at common sense business-as-usual republicans who drivel inanely about a candidates name or point at Chester, PA as an example of Pileggi leadership. I guess if you accept cradle-to-grave welfare, a bankrupt school system, and violent crime rising, then I guess that is something you and Pileggi can hang your hats on.

    I laugh at common sense business-as-usual republicans who accolade Pileggi for re-writing our state library code when there is much more important work to be done.

    For the rest of us, we are disgusted with Pileggi taking campaign money from every single labor union PAC in Pennsylvania and then he does nothing to promote open work-force initiatives, does nothing to end prevailing wage which costs our school systems $400 million a year, does nothing to attract outside business, does nothing to reform the failing state employees union retirement system, does nothing real and meaningful to protect taxpayers from teachers union bosses and liberal school board directors.

    I Comment Roger Howard for recognizing the deep trouble our state is in due to Pileggi’s crony politics and lack of leadership.

    I salute Roger Howard for serving our Country above-and-beyond the call of duty as a Paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne division during the 1960s while the doped-up counter-culture was giving birth to the modern day Democrat party.

    Ray Farrell
    Pocopson, PA

  4. Now that you mention it... says:

    It is kind of odd that Mr. Howard changes his name so frequently. Can you help me out on this Mr. Howard? Why would you choose not to use your full birth name? Peggy from Chester

  5. Common Sense Republican says:

    I laugh at these comments that are posted above. I commend George Rogers Howard ( I think thats his name this week, or it could be Rogers Howard, or maybe he dropped the “S” again so its Roger Howard) on his attempt to blast Senator Pileggi.

    I am a common sense Republican and a common sense American. Senator Pileggi has served his district and this Commonwealth above and beyond the call of duty.

    He helped pass the first on time state budget in 8 years, stopped the massive TAX AND SPEND initiatives proposed by former Gov. Rendell and has helped revitalized and turn around the City of Chester.

    We(individuals with common sense and not a personal vendetta against the Senator) in the 9th Senate District are honored and proud of the work of Senator Pileggi and I look forward to watching him win his primary, with double the amount of votes against George Rogers Howard, or George Howard, or Rogers Howard, or Roger Howard, what ever name he has decided to put on for the day!

    (P.S. doesn’t anyone else find it odd that an individual for office continues to change his name? What is he hiding?)

  6. David Snyder says:

    I have met Roger. He is going to be a breath of fresh air into the Pa Senate. We must throw the people, who take special interest money, out. We the people can not afford more of the “We the Special interests” controlling our tax dollars.

  7. George says:

    I believe we will have a committed conservative with Roger, who will stick with his stated principles, and help bring the state under financial control. He will not become just another RINO!

  8. Joyce Bischoff says:

    I’m delighted that Roger is running for office. We need his knowledge and dedication in Harrisburg. “Business as usual” is not helping anyone in the state.

  9. Joe says:

    Pileggi has been there so long, taking care of his OWN interest and NOT the interest of the people he can no longer see the forest from the trees. So let’s help him out and show him the DOOR.

  10. Helen Weber says:

    Our legislators in Harrisburg have failed their constituents. They have made a mockery of the legislative process. The debacle of the redistricting is an indication of their ineptness. Real pension reform, prevailing wage, voter ID are just a few examples of failed leadership in Harrisburg. Your are right Lisa, career politicians need to ge replaced.

  11. lisa esler says:

    We have an opportunity to to stand behind a candidate committed to changing business as usual in Harrisburg. For too long career politicians have been more concerned about their pockets and control and not those they represent. I understand Roger Howard have signed a pledge not to take a state pension. Will his opponent do the same? I hope voters are willing to send a message to Harrisburg that we will not accept misrepresentation with our hard earned tax dollars.

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