Ahhhhhh….Prom night

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By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times

It’s a memory that will stick with you looooong after high school is over. Six years ago, I wrote about my experience (complete with hideous and embarrassing pictures) here http://www.unionvilletimes.com/?p=9152. Please note that I graduated in 1989, so I deserve a bit of a reprieve for my dress selection. It was trending at the time, I swear. The fluffier the sleeve and higher the hair, the closer to God. Isn’t that what they say? Well, I was assured a very swift entry into the gates of heaven, that’s for sure.

I think it is only fitting that prom night happens to coincide with the royal wedding. Although, we did not luck out with the same weather! How is possible that it is raining cats and dogs (and has for a solid week) and there’s not a cloud in the sky in England? Just wrong.

Because I am a boy mom and will be helping my son get ready for his event tonight, I felt especially partial to Harry as I watched the TV coverage. My heart ached that his mother was not there to share in such a special moment. I mean, I am treating the prom as a dry run to my kid’s wedding day. And, I’m relishing every single second.

Is that normal?

(You can imagine that he is absolutely thrilled that I am approaching it this way.)

However, since I do not have a daughter and I’m obsessed with getting gussied up, I think it’s only fair that I get to hover as much as I can. After all, the other 364 days of the year, I can’t get this child to wear anything fancier than basketball shorts and sneakers.


As I type this article, I am feverishly writing a list of Prom Day To-Do’s:

  • Pick up flowers (which will not include any carnations or babies breath, thank you)
  • Google “how to tie a bow tie” because I made the mistake of getting one that wasn’t pre-done
  • Buy black trouser socks (because I am putting my foot down at his suggestion of white, knee high Nikes)

All of this needs to be accomplished before pictures at 2:30pm. But, since I’ve been up since 6:30am (thanks to Meghan and Harry), I’m good. Meanwhile, my son will snooze until 11am and roll out of bed like it’s just a regular ol’ Saturday.


Cheers to a successful day of getting kids primped and ready! As always, feel free to share your thoughts in the Comment section below.

Happy Prom Night

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