Conversation with Commissioners — and ice cream in August

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Chester County Commissioners Michelle Kichline, Kathi Cozzone and Terence Farrell announce the location of the next “Conversations with the Commissioners” evening, part of a series of informal open-forum gatherings held throughout Chester County during the year.  Moving from the usual “coffee and conversation” theme, the Commissioners are offering “ice cream and conversation” during August.

The next “Conversations with the Commissioners” evening is Monday, August 12, 2019 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. at Chester Springs Creamery, 521 E. Uwchlan Avenue, Chester Springs, PA.

“The Commissioners’ Conversation evenings follow previous county government information events including ‘On the Road’ Commissioners’ Meetings and the Chester County School of Government series,” said Becky Brain, County Communications Coordinator.  “The events give Chester County residents the opportunity to meet with all three County Commissioners to ask questions about county government programs and services that relate to everything from health, safety, open space and population growth to jobs, housing and the County’s many parks and trails.”

The August 12th “ice cream and conversation” event at Chester Springs Creamery is free but limited to the first 150 people who sign up.  To sign up, go to

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