Emmons announces run for Congress

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John Emmons

Businessman John Emmons announced his candidacy for Congress in Pennsylvania’s 6th Congressional District, Wednesday. Speaking to a group of more than 100 supporters at the VFW Hall in Parkesburg, Emmons kicked off his campaign:

“The 2020 election will be a fight for the soul of our country, and as most of you know, I’m not afraid of a fight. We need strong, unwavering voices in Washington fighting for time-tested, common sense conservative solutions. I will be one of those voices.”

Emmons continued:
“I am not a politician. I am a husband and father. I have worked in the business world for four decades managing large organizations. I have been a grassroots conservative leader and an active member of the Republican party in Chester County for more than a decade. I am a man of faith.
“Our campaign will be built on standing up for the promise of America. We need more people to stand up. More parents. More businessmen and women. More faith leaders. More concerned citizens. What we don’t need is more career politicians trying to climb the political ladder.”
Emmons’ platform will focus on health care reform, fixing the broken immigration system, and empowering businesses to create jobs.
A chemical engineer, John Emmons is a longtime activist, having founded conservative organizations and held leadership roles in the local county party.

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