PINK is every one’s color!

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Ches-Mont league rivals join forces to battle common foe By Dave Conard Sports Editor,


EAST MARLBOROUGH–The will be a blanket of pink through out Unionville Stadium this week as the Indians lacrosse squads, will be donning the pink in support of Unite for HER, in an effort to raise money and awareness in the Kennett Square area. The boys will take to the field in a crucial Ches-Mont match up with west Chester Rustin on Tuesday night, while the girls will hots West Chester East on Thursday night.

“It is a great cause and one that touches everyone in the community,” said girls head lacrosse coach Wendy Landry. “We are not only going to be wearing pink, bit will have some amazing prizes and raffle items here for people to bid on with all of the proceeds going to Unite for HER. I really hope that people will come out and support the kids.”

Since 2009, Unite for HER has worked to bridge the gap between the medical and wellness communities by educating women diagnosed with breast cancer about complementary therapies, providing them with a compassionate resource for support, knowledge and healing.

They are dedicated to improving the lives of women and girls by supporting and providing breast cancer and wellness programs that educate, empower, and restore.

Representative from Unite for HER will be on hand to answer questions and help give information bout where to make donations or get community support. game time is 7 pm with the gates opening at 5:30 pm at Unionville High School’ s main Stadium.

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