Ruggieri formally announces District 13 bid

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Richard Ruggieri

LEWISVILLE – To a packed room of constituents, Richard Ruggieri of London Grove Township in Chester County announced his candidacy for the Pennsylvania State House of Representatives, District 13.

At the Old Stone Cider in Lewisville, PA, Ruggieri excited the crowd with his authentic, moving message. “Not a month after I turned 18 and graduated high school, I swore an oath to the United States Air Force to defend the Nation and uphold our Constitution,” Ruggieri explained. “The Air Force has a saying, ‘You have to be a good follower to be a good leader.’ I spent 10 years in service, four in the active duty, and six in the PA Air National Guard.”

County Commissioner, Josh Maxwell, who introduced Ruggieri, noted, “Unfortunately, Chester County is a leader in our area for the most disabled veterans. In 2020, out of nine seats in Chester County, Richard Ruggieri is the only veteran running for the PA State House. With approximately 26,000 veterans living in our county, they deserve someone serving them who is not only concerned about their care and treatment, but also understands their needs—Rich Ruggieri will be that state legislator.”

“My campaign is based upon a simple principle. Government should work, and it should work for the people it represents. The General Assembly, under the current leadership in the PA House and the current representation here in the 13th, has failed to live up to that simple standard.” Ruggieri continued, “When elected, I will think independently and deliver solutions to the challenges our community faces.”

“It was great to see such enthusiasm today. I met many supporters who are getting interested in the PA State House race for district 13 for the first time,” said Molly Wood, Ruggieri’s campaign manager. “Richard Ruggieri’s message of support for public education and job training, property tax reform and stewardship of natural resources resonated with folks—Democrats, Independents and Republicans alike. Everyone is ready for leadership in PA’s 13th district. Richard Ruggieri is a pragmatic problem solver who is committed to delivering results that work for our entire community.”

Stephen Pye, resident of Penn Township, echoed Wood’s sentiments, “I support Richard because he spoke from his heart on why he is the best person for this job. As an Air Force Veteran, Penn State Graduate, and currently assistant vice president at a major financial company, he spoke how strongly he feels to be part of something much bigger. He spoke about the camaraderie he had with his fellow veterans and passionately about being a family man. He laid out in detail how he will work for all the people of the 13th in Harrisburg and bring to our district changes that have not been even considered to date.”

Pennsylvania House District 13 encompasses 22 precincts and three school districts, Avon Grove, Octorara and Oxford, in southwest Chester and eastern Lancaster Counties.

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