Don’t retire, ReFire: Be amazed every day

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By Gail Supplee Tatum, Columnist, The Times

How do you interpret being amazed every day?

Depending on what the current state of your life is, you might roll your eyes in cynicism at the mere thought of it or you might ring out a resounding YES!

We all have peaks and valleys in our lives and the cycle rotates constantly. That’s what living is.

What we often fail to do, particularly when we’re in a valley, is to look for the light at the peak and move towards it. We just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other, one step at a time, until we’re there. Be amazed at the light each time and what meaning it has.

When thinking about being amazed, I think about gratitude as being the best starting place. Wear gratitude like a cloak and it will feed every corner of your life. – Rumi

Early last year, life was moving along with all of the noise, commotion and constant obstacles until it abruptly came to a screeching halt. We suddenly found ourselves with time on our hands, along with stillness, to think about everything that was going on in our lives up to that point.

We were all forced to hop off the “hamster wheel” and there, within the walls of our dwelling, again, we found ourselves with nothing but our thoughts. In those moments ahead, we had the time-freedom to assess what we were all about and get clarity on the many aspects of our lives. Some started walking to get a grip on their health. Some began cooking healthier meals rather than the grab and go food which generally is not healthy but the only thing that there was time for. We all had time to catch up on what hung out at the back burner for months, maybe years!

Much resourcefulness was born from this lull. Many changes and adjustments were made.

The most subtle things of nature like feeling the wind blowing and listening to the birds’ sweet serenade was amazing! The quietness of the world accentuated that and more.

Miraculously, the hustle and bustle is back after only a little over a year. There is amazement in that, as well.

Having said that, truth be told, I could have used a few more months of the peace and tranquility, in order to finish up my projects without interruption.

One thing I think we can all agree on is that this past year has made us appreciate life and understand how fragile it is.

Some of the practices that have helped me stay connected to being amazed, which I’d like to share, are as follows:

  1. Lead with love. A smile could brighten someone’s day and could be the very thing that keeps them holding on to the goodness in this world.
  2. Stay playful. Laugh. Be silly. My grandchildren help me attain this.
  3. Be inquisitive always. Be open to continual learning. Ask questions in order to understand. We have so many avenues to obtain information these days.

Be amazed, even in your darkest day. Even if it’s only one second, find a moment that lifts your spirit.

To quote Maya Angelou – Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

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