Kennett High School’s 121st Commencement ushers 2012 grads into adulthood
By P.J. D’Annunzio, Staff Writer,
KENNETT SQUARE — Undaunted by an economic downturn, high unemployment, and mounting student loan debt, the graduates of Kennett High’s Class of 2012 optimistically march forward into the unknown future, ready to make their mark in the world.
Multitudes of family and friends gathered at the steps of Kennett High during a beautifully sunny late-afternoon to watch the Class of 2012 file in from the stately façade of Kennett High School to their seats. Naturally, shouts and cheers were given when parents and loved ones noticed the faces of their graduates in the procession.
Besides the customary acceptance of diplomas, some of the students and administrators of KHS took the time to share their predictions for the future and also to congratulate each other for their accomplishments.
Graduate Daise Bedolla had the honor of leading the crowd in the pledge of allegiance, afterward she began her speech. Understanding the weightiness of the occasion she reminded the Class of 2012 to take in the moment because, as she said “we must remember to take in each and every moment…notice it, live in it, be grateful for it.
Then, Class President Nicole Moriello took on the duty of welcoming graduates and all in the crowd to the commencement ceremony. She went on to recall the challenges and triumphs that the Class of 2012 collectively experienced, closing on an optimistic note, “Forth we will go into the real world,” she said, “with hope and toward independence.”
In a moment of nostalgia, speaker Matthew Munson offered his recollections of and advice to the Class of 2012, “As I look back, I realize the memories I will carry with me are not of the individual events of high school, but of the people I shared them with,” he said. “No matter where you are…the one thing you are sure to always be is a member of Kennett High School’s class of 2012.”
After the last of the student speakers had concluded their messages of hope and dedication to achieving their goals, a musical interlude was given, leading up to Assistant Principal Dr. Tomorrow S. Jenkins’ announcement of scholarships—of which over $6.2 million in total was awarded to roughly half of the graduating class of 2012.
Finally, just prior to the awarding of the diplomas, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Barry Tomasetti left the Class of 2012 with a quote from Orville Dewey, detailing the importance of hard work and dedication in the lives of the graduates.
“Work is a man’s great function,” he stated to the on-looking graduates. “He is nothing, he can do nothing, fulfill nothing, without working. If you are poor – work. If you are rich, continue working. If you are burdened with seemingly unfair responsibilities, work. If you are happy, keep right on working. Idleness gives room for doubt and fear. If disappointment comes, work. If your health is threatened, work. When faith falters – work. When dreams are shattered and hopes seems dead – work. Work as if your life is in peril. It really is. No matter what ails you, work. Work faithfully. Work with faith. Work is the greatest remedy available for all mental and physical afflictions.”