Roman named director of county Workforce Development Board

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Jeannette Roman

Jeannette Roman has been named Director of Chester County’s Workforce Development Board (WDB) by Commissioners Marian Moskowitz, Josh Maxwell, and Michelle Kichline. Roman has worked for the WDB since 2010, most recently as the Acting Director.

Chester County Commissioners’ Chair Marian Moskowitz said, “The Workforce Development Board is an integral part of Chester County’s focus on the economy and the needs of employers and employees, and Jeannette is the ideal person to lead the agency. Her years of experience within the WDB give her an understanding of the agency as well as Chester County’s workforce strengths and challenges.  Her desire to help employers and workers throughout the county are a real bonus.”

The Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA), the backbone of WDBs, became law in 2014 with a mission of keeping the nation’s jobs pipeline filled with qualified and diverse workers – all while helping businesses and improving the quality of life for those workers. Among the goals of WIOA are to increase access to education, training, and employment, particularly for those with barriers to employment, and to reduce welfare dependency and increase economic self-sufficiency. Out of the 67 counties in Pennsylvania, Chester County is just one of 23 that have Workforce Development Boards.

Commissioner Josh Maxwell commented, “Providing the tools, training and programs for our  residents to gain employment and financial stability is critically important, especially today with the rising cost of living. By the same token, our businesses need trained and qualified workers to compete and remain healthy. Jeannette has the experience, knowledge and skills to balance both these needs.”

“Jeannette is passionate and invested in Chester County because she grew up here, and that personal connection is invaluable. Her years in workforce development for the County have helped her to establish connections with our economic and business partners like the Economic Development Council and our Chambers of Commerce. These factors, combined, give Jeannette the strength to lead our Workforce Development Board,” noted Commissioner Michelle Kichline.

Roman lives in the Coatesville area with her four children.

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