County’s Watersheds 2045 plan available for public review and comment

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The Chester County Water Resources Authority (CCWRA) has released a draft of the County’s updated integrated water resources plan – Watersheds 2045 – for public review and comment through November 17.

Chester County Commissioners Marian Moskowitz, Josh Maxwell, and Michelle Kichline noted, “Watersheds 2045 builds on the legacy of the original Watersheds plan released in 2002, which guided two decades of work protecting and restoring streams, lakes, and groundwater in Chester County. The updated plan provides a framework that empowers communities to protect, sustain, enhance, and enjoy the county’s shared water resources well into the future.”

CCWRA Executive Director Seung Ah Byun said, “We brought together technical experts, water experts, and water resource practitioners to develop the Watersheds 2045 draft plan, closely evaluating and incorporating their comments and concerns to reflect the wide range of community and individual experiences, values, and priorities.

“Now it is time for the public to weigh in on the draft plan.”

Watersheds 2045 addresses a broad spectrum of water resource issues that impact Chester County, including stormwater and flooding, pollution prevention and mitigation, recreational access, and sustainable water supplies. It will also serve as the updated County-wide Act 167 Plan and Rivers Conservation Plan upon adoption.

The draft plan, associated appendices, and details on providing comments are available on CCWRA’s website at Comments will be accepted via email, mail, or web form through November 17.

Additionally, CCWRA is offering two public informational sessions where the draft plan will be presented, and staff will be on hand to answer questions:

  • An in-person meeting on Tuesday, October 17, at 6:00 p.m. at the Chester County Public Safety Training Campus, 137 Modena Road, Coatesville
  • A virtual meeting via Zoom on Tuesday, October 24, at 6:00 p.m.

Event details and registration information can be found on CCWRA’s webpage, For anyone interested but unable to attend either event, a pre-recorded informational session will be available online by the end of October.

Questions about the plan, public comment process, or informational events may be directed to Kate Hutelmyer at wa***@ch****.org or 610-344-5400.

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