ReFirement at Any Age: Back to a Routine Life

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By Gail Supplee Tatum, Columnist, The Times

For some, there are mixed feelings about getting back to a routine life.

Going from carefree living to structured tasks, business as usual, takes concentration and can be challenging.

However, many of us see this adjustment as a recalibration, like a new year and birthdays.

We are creatures of habit and routine, which is essential for quality of life. Flying by the seat of our pants can’t last for very long until brain fog sets in and it’s difficult to function.

Here are five helpful hints to ease into the transition, to make the process smoother and ultimately more enjoyable!

1. Start Small and Build Gradually-The Compound Effect
One of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to get back into a routine is attempting to do too much too soon. This can lead to burnout and frustration. Instead, start small. For instance, if you’re trying to get back into an exercise routine, don’t begin with an hour-long session every day. Start with 10-15 minutes and gradually increase the duration and intensity as your body and mind adjust. The same principle applies to any routine, whether it’s work, diet, or sleep. By building up slowly, you allow yourself to succeed in small steps, which can boost your confidence and motivation to keep going.

2. Prioritize Your Routine
When re-establishing a routine, it’s crucial to make it a priority in your daily life. This means scheduling time for it, just as you would for an important meeting or appointment. If your routine involves exercising, block off time in your calendar and treat it as non-negotiable. Prioritizing your routine also means being aware of potential distractions or obstacles and planning for them. If you know that certain times of day are busier or more unpredictable, choose a time for your routine when you are less likely to be interrupted. This level of commitment helps reinforce the importance of routine in your life. Emphases on “scheduling”, not something on a “to do” list.
3. Establish a Clear Purpose
Understanding the “why” behind your routine is essential for maintaining motivation. Whether it’s improving your health, increasing productivity, or reducing stress, having a clear purpose gives meaning to the routine. When you know why you’re doing something, it’s easier to stay focused and committed, even when it feels challenging. Take some time to reflect on the benefits of your routine and remind yourself of them regularly. This can be especially helpful on days when motivation is low or when you’re tempted to skip your routine.
4. Use Visual Reminders
Visual reminders can be powerful tools for getting back into a routine. Whether it’s a calendar, a checklist, or a habit tracker, having a visual cue can serve as a constant reminder of your goals and progress. For instance, crossing off days on a calendar when you complete your routine can provide a sense of accomplishment and reinforce the habit. Similarly, placing visual cues in your environment, like workout clothes laid out the night before, can make it easier to follow through with your routine. These reminders help keep your routine at the forefront of your mind and make it harder to forget or ignore.
5. Be Kind to Yourself
Finally, it’s essential to be kind to yourself during the process of getting back into a routine. It’s natural to have setbacks or days when things don’t go as planned. Instead of being overly critical, acknowledge that setbacks are a part of the process. Use them as opportunities to learn and adjust rather than as reasons to give up. Self-compassion is crucial for long-term success. When your kind to yourself, you’re more likely to stay motivated and resilient, which is key to re-establishing and maintaining a routine over time.
In conclusion, getting back into a routine requires patience, commitment, and a clear understanding of your goals. By starting small, prioritizing your routine, understanding your purpose, using visual reminders, and being kind to yourself, you can successfully re-establish your routine and enjoy the benefits it brings to your life.

Each morning, we are born again. What we do today is what matters most-Buddha

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