Borough committee issues open invitation to Dec. 11 session

Kennett Square Mayor Matt Fetick is urging residents to attend the borough’s first public meeting of its Public Safety Committee on Dec. 11.
The borough’s Public Safety Committee will be open to the public for the first time on Wednesday, Dec. 11, and residents are urged to attend, officials said.
The committee typically brings together members of Borough Council, the Public Works Department, the mayor, police chief, borough manager, fire chief, and emergency management coordinator.
”This is the forum where we review public input on public-safety concerns such as traffic issues, speeding concerns, police-related matters and more,” Mayor Matt Fetick said. “I wanted to provide an opportunity for the public to bring their concerns in person to the committee and not just via email or a phone call.”
Fetick said the meeting would give residents important access to their elected officials and professionals. “I’m looking forward to hearing from the public about any safety-related concerns they have,” he said.
The meeting will be held in the lower level of the Genesis HealthCare building, 101 E. State St., Kennett Square, at 7 p.m.