County unveils interactive map to show 1777 property ownership, battle damage

WEST CHESTER — Just in time for the anniversary of the Battle of the Brandywine this past week, Chester County Archives and Records Services has released a new interactive tool that helps you discover who lived on your property in September 1777. The 1777 Chester County Property Atlas is an interactive map that allows researchers to easily see who owned properties in 1777, and if those owners...

Op/Ed: Inequitable public schooling in a nation of equality

Zack Zahlaway, Special to The Times Zack Zahlaway In a nation built on the principle that all people are created equal, how is it acceptable for certain children to receive more school funding based on their location and family’s income than other children? The fact of the matter is that this hypocritical truth plagues public school systems, especially in Pennsylvania. In a research report done...

Despite good motivations, county’s antibody test plan was an expensive screw up

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa There are times you hate to be right, and this is one of them. Way back in May, I questioned the decision by Chester County Health to use untested and likely inaccurate antibody testing ( — and to use it only on a limited population, those with symptoms. I argued that broad diagnostic testing and contact tracing...

Coroner announces plans to again inter remains of unclaimed

Memorial Crypt Plaque at Philadelphia Memorial Park. Photo Credit Donna De Stefano The Chester County Coroner’s Office is planning to inter the unclaimed cremains of the following 28 individuals in the near future. Unclaimed cremains of non-veterans are interred every two years in a crypt donated to Chester County in 2018 by Philadelphia Memorial Park, Frazer, PA. A memorial ceremony for the...

What To Do: Philadelphia attractions begin to reopen

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times  The Museum of the American Revolution It’s 2020 and the coronavirus pandemic has been wiping out events on a regular basis and forcing attractions to remain closed. Slowly, things are starting to come back to life. Philadelphia is a good example of this resurgence. On September 9, Independence National Historical Park (

On Stage: W. Chester’s Crane keeps ASH going strong despite pandemic

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times  Braham Logan Crane A lot of memorable events happened in 2004. George W. Bush was reelected President of the United States. NASA’s MER-A (Spirit) spacecraft landed on the surface of Mars. Saddam Hussein went on trial in Iraq for war crimes and crimes against humanity. The Nintendo DS, the best-selling handheld game console of all time,...

Wolf gives green light to restaurants increasing indoor capacity to 50%, Sept. 21

Hands with glasses over a festive table. Offering some hope to local struggling restaurants, Gov. Tom Wolf announced Tuesday that he would ease indoor seating restrictions from a max of 25% percent of capacity to 50% of capacity — but would require restaurants to stop serving alcohol after 10 p.m. and eateries to “self certify” that they are meeting all health and safety requirements. “While...

Sheriff’s Office seeking names for new young K-9 recruits

WEST CHESTER — The Chester County Sheriff’s Office is pleased to announce that it is expecting! Later this month, two young K-9s, destined to become Chester County Deputy Sheriffs, will be “delivered” to Chester County to begin their training regime. But both dogs need names.  And Chester County Sheriff Fredda Maddox and her team are asking the Chester County community for suggestions. “We...

Don’t Retire, ReFire: Entering the last quarter of a crazy year!

By Gail Supplee Tatum, Columnist, The Times I think we can all agree that it has been a strange and unusual year and dawn of a new decade. The question on our minds is, are all these extreme events the birth of good change or the continuation of more unsettledness of what’s to come? In many ways the year has flown, yet at the same time, I describe the months as moving in slow motion. Whether...

Let’s not blame local officials for playing it safe in the Age of COVID

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa By rights, we should be enjoying the start of a new school year — bragging on our kids, showing off their new clothes and school gear. In a normal year, we should talking about which high school football teams in the Ches-Mont are early break outs and which programs look to be struggling. We should, as usual, bemoan the length and stupidity of the...