Easy post-holiday buffet ideas

By Cathy Branciaroli, Food Correspondent, The Times What was a glorious ham dinner on Christmas can be part of a tasty — and easy — post-holiday buffet later this week. Whew we made it! We survived the holiday onslaught, fed large numbers of people and generally were all-around heros in the kitchen. Now’s the time to take a break from all that stress and offer laid back, easy to prepare...

Students learn history, get tour of county Justice Center

. Retired Capt. Joseph Carbo poses with students from West Chester Christian School. Assault with a ham sandwich has landed some unwitting schoolchildren in the slammer recently – as least figuratively Those unfamiliar with the legal perils of using lunch to mimic fisticuffs probably haven’t experienced the Chester County courthouse tour of Joseph Carbo, a retired captain with the Chester County...

Merry Christmas

From all of us at The Times, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas. Like you, we plan to spend the holidays with friends and family — and hope to avoid spending much time staring at a screen. Unless major news breaks, we’ll be keeping quiet until Tuesday morning.

Dinniman, Tomlinson congratulate WCU baseball champs

From left, West Chester University President Chris Fiorentino, state Sen. Andy Dinniman, Head Coach Jad Prachniak and state Sen. Robert Tomlinson. State Senators Andy Dinniman and Robert “Tommy” Tomlinson this week recognized the West Chester University Golden Rams baseball team winning the 2017 NCAA Division II National Championship –its second national championship in six years. “You...

Drive smart, drive safe and most importantly, drive sober this holiday

Local officials are reminding motorists to be smart when it comes to driving this holiday season — especially with varying forecasts of potential snow/freezing rain/sleet during the holiday week. But all emphasize: don’t drink and drive. The Pennsylvania State Police will be stepping up DUI patrols and checkpoints across the commonwealth this weekend and next.

What To Do: Being non-Christian at Christmas

By Denny Dyroff, Staff Writer, The Times Everyone gets immersed in the Christmas holiday season but not everyone celebrates Christmas. Actually, there are many people who opt to not celebrate Christmas for a variety of valid reasons — most commonly because they are of a different religion. For Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs and Muslims, Christmas is not a religious holiday. Fortunately for...

Chesco to invest in local tech startups

Members of the Chester County Retirement Board sign a resolution that establishes Venture Chesco, a partnership with Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Southeastern Pennsylvania to invest $4 million in emerging and growing companies located in, or willing to locate to Chester County. Seated left to right: Chester County Commissioner Terence Farrell; Chester County Commissioners’ Chair Michelle...

On Stage: ‘The Illusionists’ comes to Wilmington

By Denny Dyroff, Staff Writer, The Times The Illusionists Magicians seem to be omnipresent and magic shows pop up on entertainment calendars on a regular basis. Some of the shows make you shake your head in amazement – not at the complexity of the act but rather that venues would even book the act. There are some good shows featuring magic acts but it’s safe to say that they all pale in comparison...

GOP Congressman laud tax bill, Democrats decry ‘gift’ for wealthy, donors

The U.S. Senate last night passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act — a sweeping revision of U.S. Tax code, that depending on who is talking is either a spark for job and wage growth or a massive, deficit busting giveaway to the rich, political donors and corporate America. The House voted Tuesday to approve the package, but will have to revote Wednesday because of three provisions in the original bill...

Being smart about your smile during the holidays

By Dr. Stephanie McGann, DMD FAGD, Columnist, The Times With the rush of the holidays, it can be easy to forget to maintain good dental health — but bad choices now could lead to problems in the new year. Here’s a few fairly simple tips to keep you and your family smiling well into 2018: