On Stage: Wright, Fischer bring distinctive voices to area

By Denny Dyroff, Staff Writer, The Times Chely Wright Two very distinctive and very influential female vocalists will be performing in the area in December 3 – Chely Wright in Sellersville and Lisa Fischer in Bryn Mawr. Wright will be sharing the bill with the Amy Ray Band at the Sellersville Theater (24 West Temple Avenue, Sellersville, 215-257-5808, www.st94.com) on December 3.

Silence breeds intolerance in our schools

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” — John F. Kennedy, 1961, who erroneously attributed it to Edmund Burke. By Mike McGann, Editor, the Times As I sat and listened a Board of Education meeting for two hours of discussion about the Unionville-Chadds Ford School District’s largely exceptional standardized testing scores, a week ago, which followed...

Time for #GirlsDayOut in Kennett Square

Annual event offers fun, food and great gift options By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times Attention Ladies! This Thursday, December 1st, is the date for the annual Holiday #GirlsDayOut in Kennett Square! If you have never been to this celebration in the past, 2016 is your year to hop on the bandwagon. All day long, from 10am to 8pm, shop for amazing deals at some of the most fashionable...

What To Do: Holiday season kicks off with fun events

Holiday Light Parade in Kennett Square among busy weekend of activities By Denny Dyroff, Staff Writer, The Times Holiday Light Parade in Kennett Square. Now that Thanksgiving 2016 is history, the floodgates have burst open and unleashed a torrent of annual traditional holiday events and activities. The holiday season will officially arrive in Kennett Square on November 27 when Downtown Kennett...

On Stage: After the feast, a feast for the ears

By Denny Dyroff, Staff Writer, The Times The Sounds Thanksgiving is a very laid-back day for most people (except those preparing dinner) – a day filled with eating, drinking, partying and watching special TV shows such as parades and traditional football games. When the day after Thanksgiving arrives, it’s a day to shake off the lethargy, get energized and power into a festive three-day weekend.

Give extra ‘thanks’ for safety this holiday

With the Thanksgiving holiday, folks around the Chester County area will be indulging in two activities: travel to be with friends and family and, of course cooking. While both are cornerstones of the holiday season, both can offer hazards if folks don’t exercise appropriate caution.

Don’t Retire, Refire: Little steps can lead to big changes

By Gail Supplee Tatum, Columnist, The Times The common thread throughout my previous articles has been about making small changes, to move towards your goals. I want to impress upon you the importance of focusing on that one, small change and not get distracted over anxious about how far off you may think your goal is. In this regard, have tunnel vision and stay in the moment. Here are 3 small...

Art Watch: Ivystone Studios holds its debut show

Also: area shows offer great holiday gift options By Lele Galer, Columnist, The Times For this last week in November, several holiday art shows present great gift giving ideas, and the new Ivystone Studios in Downingtown has it opening show this Friday. This weekend, November 25-26, 4-10pm, is the highly anticipated grand opening art show of Ivystone Studios, located at 138 Moore Road in Downingtown....

On Stage (Bonus): An American in Paris hits Philly

Also: Thanksgiving Eve rocks out at TLA By Denny Dyroff, Staff Writer, The Times  An American in Paris If you’re looking for a great way to spend an evening during this holiday week, a tantalizing option is to attend the Philadelphia debut of the national tour of a Tony-winning musical which is on the road for the first time ever. From November 22-27, the Academy of Music (Broad and Locust...

We can all find things to be thankful for

Even if you’re upset now, take stock in all of the good things in life By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times There has been a whole lotta controversy in the past few weeks and not enough love. Just my opinion; but, luckily, this is my article and I can express myself freely because of my constitutional rights and my supportive editor. (Shameless plug for Mike McGann!) As we get closer...