Smoke detectors: the right one could save lives

By John D’Annunzio, Columnist, Here’s a hot topic: smoke detectors. All new residences are required to have smoke detectors. They must be hard wired with a battery backup. The location in a single family home goes like this: One in each bedroom, one in the hallway, one on each level, and one in the basement. If one is activated all of the alarms will sound. The idea is...

Swimming Pool Safety: A little common sense can avoid a nightmare

Missing the obvious can lead to tragedy By John D’Annunzio, Columnist, We learn early on in life about common sense issues. When I build a house or garage or just about any thing that arises in life common sense helps me avoid problems. Should I add another joist over here? Strengthen this wall here? Check the air in the tires when leaving on a long trip? The answers to these...

Watch Your Step: Deck Safety 101

What you don’t know about wood might end up killing you By John D’Annunzio, Columnist, Roughly 2.5 million decks were built last year; some by contractors, others home owners. Improperly installed and aged materials create a dangerous situation. I understand that money is tight right now and people want to do their own projects, however, most people aren’t familiar with...