Sometimes real life means more than politics

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times PORT ARANSAS, Texas — Hello from the Coastal Bend of Southeast Texas — which hopefully will be the home of the new Times’ Texas bureau — where folks are bit more concerned about real life and less about politics and the political silliness that comes from places such as Washington or Harrisburg or Austin. Here, folks are about one thing: recovery. When...

Town Hall: opioid abuse, Gerrymandering top Roe’s priorities

By JP Phillips, Staff Writer, The Times State Rep. Eric Roe (R-158) listens to a constituent question, Thursday night. EAST MARLBOROUGH — First-term Pennsylvania State Representative Eric Roe held his ninth open meeting with a friendly crowd Thursday at the East Marlborough township building.  According to Roe’s staff, postcard invitations were sent to all households in the local area. The...

Meehan won’t seek reelection in the 7th

U.S. Rep. Patrick Meehan (R-7) Amidst a scandal involving alleged sexual harassment of a staffer and a public payout of funds to settle, U.S. Rep. Patrick Meehan (R-7) announced Thursday that he would not seek reelection for his seat in Congress from the 7th District. Meehan came under increasing pressure this week after a New York Times story detailed an alleged harassment incident with a now...

Happy New Year! Surf’s up, baby!

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Happy 2018! Who’s got their surfboards ready? Because, yeah, it is becoming increasingly likely that our friends in the Republican Party might not just be facing a wave, but rather a tsunami. But before you rush out and scream “that dirty so-and-so Trump” (as apparently so many West Wing staffers seem to do daily, per Michael Wolff’s controversial new book),...

GOP Congressman laud tax bill, Democrats decry ‘gift’ for wealthy, donors

The U.S. Senate last night passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act — a sweeping revision of U.S. Tax code, that depending on who is talking is either a spark for job and wage growth or a massive, deficit busting giveaway to the rich, political donors and corporate America. The House voted Tuesday to approve the package, but will have to revote Wednesday because of three provisions in the original bill...

EDITORIAL: Leach should withdraw, but not resign, yet

State Sen. Daylin Leach (D-17). We live in a time of reckoning for men (and some women) who have refused to see the appropriate boundaries of personal and professional behavior — and now state Sen. (and would-be Congresman) Daylin Leach (D-17) has been implicated in a deeply reported, multi-sourced story in Sunday’s Philadelphia Inquirer. The allegations — from 11 people — range from inappropriate...

George withdraws from 16th District race

John George The crowded field to take on freshman Congressman Lloyd Smucker got a little less crowded Wednesday after John George announced he would withdraw from the race, saying he didn’t think he would be able to mount a competitive race. “I have informed the Democratic Committee that I am suspending my campaign for Congress in the 16th District for 2018,” george said in a...

A tragic loss hits Chester County’s political world

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Just days after their biggest win in more than a century, Chester County’s Democrats are now grieving one of the biggest losses — a life ended far too soon. Adam Swope, 38, who served as County Commissioner Kathi Cozzone’s Administrative Analyst and myriad other roles with the county party died Saturday afternoon in a fiery crash at the intersection of U.S....

GOP putting the ‘mean’ in meaningless legislative efforts

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Fall, that time of year when a young man’s fancy turns to…a budget crisis, political dysfunction, a renewed health care mess and, oh, yeah, off-year elections. So, let’s see, the state still lacks a revenue plan to pay for a spending plan it passed some months ago, so now some bills aren’t being paid. The state House Republicans have come up with a wacky...

Cozzone pledges to continue bipartisan work in bid for Lt. Gov.

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times State Rep. Carolyn Comitta speaks during Tuesday’s formal announcement by County Commissioner Kathi Cozzone that she would run for Lt. Gov. WEST CHESTER — County Commissioner Kathi Cozzone formally announced her candidacy for Lt. Governor, Tuesday, surrounded by supporters, friends and family on the steps of the historic old courthouse. The formal decision...