Greenwood evacuated after bomb threat

600 students and faculty displaced while authorities searched building By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Greenwood Elementary School students return to the building Friday, as State Police and other law enforcement officials look on, after a bomb threat led to the evacuation of the building, Friday. KENNETT — Students were evacuated from Greenwood Elementary School Friday morning after a “very...

Kennett supervisors to decide Chandler Mill Bridge fate, Nov. 5

Longwood Gardens undertakes 2-year effort to restore its main fountain garden By Rick Marts, Correspondent, The Times Longwood Gardens Executive Direct Paul Redman details the fountain renovation project planned for the facility during Wednesday night’s Kennett Board of Supervisors meeting. KENNETT — At Wednesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting, Township Manager Lisa Moore announced that...

Kennett enacts new firearm discharge ordinance

Kennett will explore creating a trail from Magnolia to Pennock Park By Rick Marts, Correspondent, The Times At Monday night’s working meeting, the Kennett Board of Supervisors enacted a new law governing the discharge of firearms in the township—Kennett Township Ordinance No. 225. BOS Chairman Scudder Stevens said, “The new ordinance tightened up some of the restrictions in the draft version...

Kennett’s finances remain healthy

Report to address whether to consolidate local police departments By Rick Marts, Correspondent, The Times Kennett Township Manager Lisa Moore details the condition of the township’s finances during Wednesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting. KENNETT — Wednesday night’s meeting of the township’s Board of Supervisors was highlighted by Township Manager Lisa Moore’s presentation...

Ways Lane is a continuing dilemma for Kennett Twp.

Township Manager calls for a meeting with the property owners ASAP By Rick Marts, Correspondent, The Times Kennett Township Planning Commission member Robert Listerman, who has been active with efforts to spur economic development along the US-1 corridor, suggests that there are options for development on Ways Lane — if the property owners can come to some consensus about what they’d like...

Kennett adopts three new ordinances

Rt. 52 Bikeway construction phase complete; landscaping to wrap up in the spring By Rick Marts, Correspondent, The Times Kennett Township supervisors (from left to right) Robert Hammaker, Dr. Richard Leff, and Scudder Stevens and Township Manager Lisa Moore listen to a presentation on the status of the Rt. 52 Bikeway KENNETT — Wednesday evening was a busy one for enacting new ordinances in the...

At 2 checkpoints, Kennett Police stop 14 impaired drivers and 7 DUIs

Proposed township ordinances are on-line and available for resident review and comment By Rick Marts, Correspondent, The Times KENNETT — Different from most Board of Supervisors public meetings, controversy did not pervade the order of business at Wednesday evening’s meeting. Instead, it was a night of information and sharing. In her Manager’s Report, Lisa Moore reported that the township...

Letter: Real facts about Taylor library move

To The Editor, I serve as a trustee on the Board of the Bayard Taylor Memorial Library. We made an announcement that we were moving location two weeks ago, which has been very well received by the majority of people and patrons. There are a few people who are disappointed and that is sad; but I felt it necessary to set the story straight, as some of the letters to the press have featured incorrect...

Kennett approves 1st step toward one-lane Chandler Mill Bridge

Could letter from 7-year-old Kyle McCarron have tipped the balance? By Rick Marts, Correspondent, The Times Kennett Township supervisors took the initial steps Wednesday night that could lead to the Chandler Mill Bridge being rehabbed and reopened as a one-lane bridge, if it can get the bridge back from Chester County. Kyle McCarron, his mother Tracy, and sister Allie are proud of contributing...

Indian Hannah earns new high-visibility venue

Monument re-dedicated at location outside Longwood Gardens By Kathleen Brady Shea, Managing Editor, The Times Paul B. Redman, director of Longwood Gardens, explains what led to the relocation and rededication of the Indian Hannah monument. With a reverence for the past and an eye to the future, state and local officials gathered at the entrance to Longwood Gardens on Thursday, May 15, to re-dedicate...