Taylor No More: it’s Kennett Library

But Bayard Taylor name to live on at future, new library location
The Bayard Taylor Memorial Library will officially become the Kennett Library on June 7.
KENNETT SQUARE — After many months of debate, discussion and major changes to the regional composition of the library board, the trustees of the Bayard Taylor Memorial Library voted Tuesday to formally rename the facility The Kennett Library,...
Letter: New group needed if there is to be new Kennett library

To The Editor,
The Kennett Public Library hired Mcintyre Associates to conduct a campaign planning feasibility study for their proposed new library. The KPL essentially provided 23 carefully crafted questions for which they sought answers. They provided Mcintyre Associates with a list of 98 individuals to be interviewed, but only 41 (40.2%) chose to participate. THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT RESULT...
Task force to resolve library board representation issue

Kennett Square won’t cut library funding, will work with neighbors to get board seats
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
A large crowd attended Monday night’s Kennett Square Borough Council meeting to offer comment on whether the borough should continue funding the Kennett Area Library.
KENNETT — Kennett Square will not move to cut funding to the Kennett Area Library in the immediate...
What To Do: Super Sunday in West Chester

Also: First Fridays, garden and home and multiple festivals
By Denny Dyroff, Staff Writer, The Times
When the first Sunday in June arrives, downtown West Chester becomes a huge block party as the borough hosts Super Sunday. This year, the 23rd Annual Super Sunday (610-692-7574, http://www.west-chester.com) will be held on June 7 from 11 a.m.-5 p.m.
Sponsored by West Chester Parks & Recreation,...
Letter: Keep the library in Kennett Square

To The Editor:
In 1895 a group of Borough residents chartered a new subscription (private) library that was to remain in the Borough of Kennett Square and be dedicated to the remembrance of Baylor Taylor. The Bayard Taylor Memorial Library was founded.
Over the years this charter has increasing been ignored by BTML Board Members. They now want to move the library outside of the Borough and rename...
Art Watch: West Chester Gallery Walk

Plus: Randall Graham in Pop-Up show; First Friday in Kennett and much more
By Lele Galer, Columnist, The Times
The twice a year West Chester Gallery Walk is this Friday in downtown West Chester from 4-8pm. If you have never walked the Gallery Walk – this Friday is a great day to do it! First Fridays art shows are always fun and interesting in West Chester and Kennett Square, but “Gallery...
Letter: Real facts about Taylor library move

To The Editor,
I serve as a trustee on the Board of the Bayard Taylor Memorial Library.
We made an announcement that we were moving location two weeks ago, which has been very well received by the majority of people and patrons.
There are a few people who are disappointed and that is sad; but I felt it necessary to set the story straight, as some of the letters to the press have featured incorrect...
5th-, 6th-graders invited to submit book essay

Library of Congress contest wants input on reading that had impact
The Chester County Library System has been selected to participate in this year’s summer essay contest sponsored by the Library of Congress. This contest is held in conjunction with public libraries in the mid‐Atlantic region, encouraging rising fifth- and sixth-grade students to reflect on a book that has made a personal impact...