Unbudgeted costs, mold stir concern in New Garden

Township supervisors grappling with several unexpected expenditures By Kathleen Brady Shea, Managing Editor, The Times Bill Hewton, a board member for the Kennett Area Senior Center, explains why the New Garden Township Supervisors should make a $1,500 donation next year. A recurring question posed at Monday night’s New Garden Township meeting by Supervisor Robert J. Perrotti: “Where’s the...

Kennett Twp. finances remain in spotlight

New auditing practices praised, old ones unresolved By Kathleen Brady Shea, Managing Editor, The Times Kennett Township Supervisor Scudder G. Stevens presents a summary of information he received from his numerous Right-to-Know requests from the township. Kennett Township finances dominated Monday night’s supervisors’ meeting, ranging from the first-quarter financial report to a summary of...