Op/Ed: Time to promote sensible gun laws
By Chris Pielli, Recorder of Deeds, Chester County
Chris Pielli
South Street on a Saturday night.
How many times have we enjoyed hanging out there? Now I am calling my son to make sure he is safe. Meanwhile, extremist Doug Mastriano and his radical Republicans stomp and shout about the sanctity of life while promoting lethal legislation seeking to pass permit less, concealed carry laws that...
Letter: Better laws could have preventing shootings
To The Editor,
The gun control debate has been torturing the US for months now. The shootings at the Waffle House and Parkland could have been prevented by better laws and restrictions on guns. The Bump Stock should just be plain outlawed and ARs should have heavy restrictions.
Killion votes against suits over local gun ordinances
State Sen. Tom Killion (R-9)
State Sen. Tom Killion (R-9) Monday voted against legislation that would penalize municipalities and taxpayers for enacting ordinances that are more restrictive than laws passed by the General Assembly.
Killion said he opposed Senate Bill 1330 because he believes that the legislation encourages lawsuits against municipalities, and would cost taxpayers millions and...
Letter: Army vet suffers from vague gun laws
To The Editor,
I am currently being prosecuted by the state of Pennsylvania for applying for gun ownership. I am 31 years old, an army veteran, and recently applied to PICS (PA instant check system) to own a shotgun. On this background check it asks if I have ever been adjudicated mentally defective or been 302’d (involuntary commitment). I checked “no” to this question....