Gun violence is spiking because, frankly, we just don’t care
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa
The texts from my daughter happen every few days: “There was a shooting. I’m safe.” She — like her twin brother — is a senior at Temple University.
The two of them live about 10 blocks apart in North Philly, but gunfire has become a pretty regular event for both, distressingly. Obviously, it scares the hell of out of me, but both are where...
Why is the Second Amendment more important than all other rights?
Spoiler Alert: It’s not, despite what some might want to sell you
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
Much has been said about a recent event at Patton Middle School in Unionville in which a parent left a gun in an unlocked, running car in the school’s parking lot.
While I’m not sure that the ending — the unidentified parent involved apologized to the school district and community, surrendered...
Why I belong to the ADA
Why patients should care if their dentist belongs, too
By Dr. Stephanie McGann, DMD FAGD, Columnist, The Times
Last week as I was traveling home from the annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Dental Association, I started thinking about why I have been a member since my first days as a dentist. I joined the American Student Dental Association as a dental student nearly 30 years ago and have been a...