Art Watch: New gallery opens in West Chester

Patsy Keller’s fused glass art show this Thursday By Lele Galer, Columnist, The Times There is a new art gallery in downtown West Chester, Church Street Gallery, and it is bucking the current gallery trends by creating a fresh, inviting exhibition space for the solo artist.  Artist John Suplee and his wife Carol have created a new gallery that feels more like a gallery in Paris or Soho than...

Art Watch: Patsy Keller

Turning a passion for glass into an art By Lele Galer, Columnist, The Times This week, we are looking at the artwork of local fused glass artist Patsy Keller.  Patsy’s attention to detail is evident in each piece she creates.  Her pendants, often including dichroic glass or mica, are both beautiful and wearable.  She also makes colorful eye-catching vases, plates and bowls that dazzle...