Op/Ed: Rendell (and Wolf) shouldn’t escape pension blame

By Kelly Lewis
Kelly Lewis
I have read about 5% of the noise surrounding the upcoming Governor’s race in Pennsylvania. As a former member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, I’m always amazed at what issues become amplified, minimized, and often buried. Less than 1% of the voters will read this little note, but as a son of teachers, and a friend to many current and retired...
Letter: GOP pension claims ring hollow

To The Editor,
The claim made in the recent OP/ED that Southeast Pennsylvania’s GOP backed Corbett’s pension revamp rings hollow. What the GOP fears is that Corbett is likely to be replaced by Tom Wolfe in the next election and some of them will go down with Corbett.
Frankly, it will serve them right. If the GOP had truly supported revising the pension system for the teachers union...